WebFanfiction about B'Elanna Torres and Tom Paris as a couple... J A N E W A Y / P A R I S [24 authors | 129 stories | updated 02/04/02] Fanfiction featuring Captain Janeway and Tom Paris as a couple... P A R I S / S E V E N [10 authors | 29 stories | updated 04/07/02] Fanfiction featuring Seven Of Nine and Tom Paris as a couple... P A R I S / K E S [2 … It was now or … at the moment, mostly about b'elanna torres in extreme risk/lineage! 2001 WOMEN OF STAR TREK VOYAGER *ARTIFEX CHASE CARD AR2 B'ELANNA TORRES . She helped end the crew's imprisonment by the Nyrians when the crew was imprisoned on a bio-sphere ship. WebDuring an incident in 2374, Torres confessed her love for Tom Paris to him when they were left floating in space in environmental suits, with almost no hope of rescue. (VOY: "Day of Honor"), Tom and B'Elanna kissing in B'Elanna's private workstation, Torres and Paris often changed shifts so they could be close to each other. Because of this, Kohlar's group no longer believed the child could be their savior and they tried to take over Voyager but failed. But it reveals more than his basic knowledge of consent. Voyager, Captains Janeway and Sisko Overcome the Odds, WATCH | Star Trek: Voyager's Surprising Guest Stars, What I Learned About Self-Esteem From Voyager's Doctor. Pinterest. Despite this, she responded playfully to Paris's suggestion that they should perhaps just call off the relationship and did not resist when Paris kissed her and stated that he was curious to see how the aliens' experiment turned out. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part II"), She took part in the attempt to steal a Borg transwarp coil that would shorten Voyager's journey home. In this AU of Timeless, there were five survivors on Voyager. (VOY: "Dark Frontier"), During the last year of Voyager's trip home, Torres helped to deal another blow to the Borg. This information would then place B'Elanna's birthdate at 2346, but this was not stated in the series itself. (VOY: "Caretaker"), The two would often work together on projects and often socialized together when off duty. (VOY: "The Swarm"), Later that year, Torres was affected by the pon farr when Vorik, a Vulcan crewmate, tried to mate with her. B'Elanna Torres was holographically duplicated on a number of occasions. Steamy Star Trek Moments That Made Us Fall In Love, Star Trek Explorer Presents Star Trek: The Short Story Collection, Kate Mulgrew on Janeway's Growth from Voyager to Star Trek: Prodigy, 10 Times Characters Were Unjustly Accused on Star Trek, Plot A Course: 5 Moments That Defined Janeway and Chakotay's Relationship. Sell now. They married after the race. For months after, B'Elanna cried herself to sleep every night, wondering what had made her father leave and if it was her fault. In Full Circle and Unworthy, B'Elanna and and her daughter Miral were revealed to be alive, after their "deaths" were faked to throw off the pursuing Warriors of Gre'thor. Soon after, she died, along with the rest of the duplicate crew, from subspace radiation. However, she never talked about her feelings of guilt and shame to anyone and eventually decided for herself that her father had left because she looked and acted Klingon. Roxann Dawson (adult)Jessica Gaona (child), B'Elanna Torres was a Klingon-Human hybrid who lived during the mid-24th century. This severed Seven's link to the Collective. Click to enlarge. Status: According to The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway, Tom and B'Elanna had a second child named Eugene Owen Paris. (VOY: "Renaissance Man"), Beginning in 2366, Torres attended Starfleet Academy, where she participated on the Academy decathlon team. In 2376, while trapped in the Delta Quadrant, on the ten-year anniversary of their not speaking, B'Elanna was in a shuttle accident, putting her into a coma. Although … (VOY: "Basics, Part II"), While Voyager was transporting a group of Enarans, Torres began having dreams of genocide against members of their race known as "the Regressives". But it was Harry and B'Elanna that shared caretaker-herpies in the pilot. (VOY: "The Thaw"), During a physical encounter with the Kazon she accidentally projected The Doctor into outer space. The notion of a hybrid among Star Trek: Voyager's principal characters was thought up in July 1993, before the series even had a name. (VOY: "Barge of the Dead"), She spent much of her early life on Kessik IV, but because relations between the Klingon Empire and the Federation were not "too cordial" at that time, B'Elanna and her mother were the only Klingons on the planet. In the Voyager relaunch book series, Torres traveled to Boreth and found her mother Miral alive. She fought the Vaadwaur, who, after reviving from stasis, tried to capture Voyager. In Unworthy, B'Elanna recreates the slipstream drive from memory and reunites with Voyager in the Delta Quadrant under Project Full Circle. (VOY: "Drive", "Endgame"), While never physical, Torres and Kelis developed a strong, near-romantic relationship while Torres was stranded on his planet for two weeks after an away mission went wrong. WebAn Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works When B'Elanna was young, she was very close to her father. WebAn Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works The unlikely love story of the fiery half-Klingon and the cavalier “flyboy” fits the theme perfectly. Roxann Dawson was born in Los Angeles, California, to Richard and Rosalie Caballero. Later, Chakotay helped to bring Torres and her husband, Tom Paris, back together after they argued vociferously over their unborn daughter's Klingon heritage. “I don’t know what you want from me.”“I want you to get out of my fucking head,” B’Elanna growls. The email will only be created once you click on the "Send Email" button. Although none of the other colonists voiced any negative opinions of B'Elanna, she felt that she and her mother were perceived differently; a feeling that made her uneasy and which she found hard to shake. B’Elanna smiled gently. Sometime after returning to the Alpha Quadrant, Torres and Paris were both assigned to the USS Enterprise-F under Captain William T. Riker. Eventually they would earn each other's respect and trust. She was able to recover and get Paris back to Voyager for medical care. At first believing that they only wanted to be left alone, Torres helped enhance their technology. The Swarm shows Tom teasing B'elanna about Ensign Freddy Bristow when they're on an away mission and then he asks her to join him on the holodeck, that's episode 3x04. They then have a scene together in Alter Ego on the way to the Luau on the holodeck where Tom compliments her before Vorik takes her away. After that it's Blood Fever. She comforted Harry when he thought he would not be receiving one. Not long after that, she’s making out with him on top of a wildly-beeping engineer console, proof that they were both right. Meanwhile, Tom Paris goes through arguably the greatest transformation of anyone on the Voyager crew. (VOY: "Lineage"), At first, she and Janeway did not see eye to eye. (VOY: "Lifesigns"), Torres and Kim had their consciousnesses captured in a hibernation status control by an evil entity known as The Clown. John tried to make amends and even though it was not easy for B'Elanna she tried to reestablish a relationship with her father. (VOY: "Dreadnought", "One", "Eye of the Needle", "Extreme Risk", "Nothing Human"), To help deal with her explosive and often violent temper, Chakotay taught her many Native American and spiritual techniques to help calm her emotions; he even trained her to speak to her "animal guide". … While trying to modify the warp core, it became critical and had to be dumped. (VOY: "Barge of the Dead"), She wed Paris after an interstellar starship race that Irina, one of the participants, tried to sabotage and thereby destroy the peace in the area. This video is unavailable because we were unable to load a message from our sponsors. However, Kathryn Janeway was ambivalent about his suggestion. (VOY: "Blood Fever"), She admitted her love for Paris when they both faced death during the incident with the Caatati. (VOY: "Hunters", "Extreme Risk"), In 2377, Chakotay jokingly asked Torres if she had checked the warp core for cracks, as he noticed she had a certain "glow" about her, after finding out about her pregnancy. She asked to perform the transference ritual, so that her mother would go to Sto-vo-kor, for the honored dead, and B'Elanna would go to Gre'thor for her. Early character photos of Torres showed her wearing the Starfleet provisional enlisted/noncom rank insignia. (A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager, pp. Tom and B'Elanna decide to make the most of it. By the end of the episode, she’s promoted to Chief Engineer over him (“You’re a better engineer than he is,” Chakotay says simply). The two ships came in conflict when it was discovered that the Equinox was killing sentient nucleogenic lifeforms for an energy source. Vorik took her face in his hands and unintentionally initiated a telepathic mating bond, giving her the "blood fever", inducing something similar to the pon farr in her. WebNov 28, 2016 - Explore Katie Lien's board "Tom and B'Elanna" on Pinterest. WebB'Elanna Torres : I thought you only asked it because we were about to explode. A. Toner. Season 4’s “Day of Honor” marks the official beginning of their relationship. Originally thought of as the same species as the First Officer, a conflictual relationship because the misfit has disappointed the F.O. sale and auction on eBay. Sweating, satiated, and aware of … (VOY: "Extreme Risk"), Icheb became infatuated with Torres after he thought she was giving him signals that she was interested in him. This made Torres feel needed again, and her depression subsided. She was able to deactivate him before he killed her. If nothing else, B’Elanna Torres displays a bravado and determination, as well as the skill, to be a prime example of what is possible. Ultimately B’Elanna finds love with Tom Paris, something she never thought she would given her heritage and appearance, and moreover she has a child with him. After the crew was subjected to a painful examination, the crews of Voyager and the Maquis vessel were returned to their ships, with the exception of Torres and Starfleet ensign Harry Kim. B'Elanna also helped The Doctor gain a better understanding of his new mobile emitter after he acquired it, clearly expressing her fascination with the new technology. WebFirst appearance "Scorpion, Part II" (1997) Portrayed by: Jeri Ryan Katelin Petersen (child) Erica Bryan (child) In-universe information; Species: Human (at birth) Borg drone; Human … Desperate, he walks into the only store still open. A move to Earth and a remarriage later, the Torres family moves to San Francisco, across the street from Admiral Owen Paris and his accomplished children. I think Riker and Trois daughter Kestra does … (VOY: "Equinox", "Equinox, Part II"), Torres, assimilated in body but not in mind, During Voyager's first contact with the Borg, she helped to engineer nanoprobes that were used as weapons against Species 8472, who had become a threat not only to Voyager, but to the Borg as well. She would be sent back to Voyager as "it wasn't her time." Torres and Paris considered the name Kuvah'Magh for their baby. They were on a quest to find the savior of the Klingon race, the kuvah'magh. (VOY: "Eye of the Needle", "Prophecy"), On her father's side, her Human grandmother, who had liked Miral, could always put a smile on B'Elanna's face, even when she was very depressed, by cooking banana pancakes. Federation Starfleet A press release issued by Paramount on the launch of the series stated, "B'Elanna is a beautiful 25 year old woman who is half Human, half Klingon." (VOY: "Equinox"), Ultimately, B'Elanna had a hard time fitting in, often getting into trouble with instructors and faculty. Torres was also kidnapped by automated personnel units created by an extinct race to fight their wars. Miral and B'Elanna had a large fight in early 2366, and this was the last time she spoke with her mother until a decade later. There she met her mother, Miral, who told her that Torres' rejection of Klingon ways had doomed them both. Born: In A Singular Destiny set in 2381, Torres and Miral Paris' names were appended to a casualty list sent to Starfleet, listing confirmed dead in Sector 22093 as a result of the Borg attacks in the Alpha Quadrant. But after fighting with Vorik in the ritual challenge which purged her of the fever, she only vaguely acknowledged what happened. When the Botha came aboard Voyager and affected everybody's senses, she hallucinated about him, although B'Elanna was more 'attracted' to Chakotay as a mentor figure and the hallucination just combined that desire with her Human desire for affection and love. A … Paris saved her. From then on, she formed a close friendship with Chakotay, and she became one of his most trusted friends. This costume gaffe was corrected as of "Faces", and thereafter, Torres wore the rank of provisional lieutenant junior grade. Because the Nehret was only contagious to Klingons, she and the baby became infected. Once she realized that Iden was bent on destroying organics, she stopped him with the aid of The Doctor and the Cardassian hologram Kejal, their engineer. She said she "worshipped him", and their family was very close, if fragile, for a time. B'Elanna quickly becomes friends with Tom Paris, and after a childhood falling out, eventually becomes something more. The program turned deadly after being tampered with by Seska when she had been on the ship two years earlier. They initiated the self-destruct sequence, which in turn caused a warp core breach, and Janeway transported their entire crew on board to save them. When Torres found her, she related that she also hid from The Doctor in engineering, hating to be cooped up in sickbay. your own Pins on Pinterest. (VOY: "Hunters"), While at Starfleet Academy she dated Maxwell Burke, who referred to her affectionately as "BLT" and loaned her a blue sweater that she never returned. WebChakotay and Tom Paris begin to pursue a relationship but it is not without difficulties and problems, as Tom struggles with what this entails. She considered Seska to be her best friend, long before finding out that Seska was really a Cardassian agent. The Klingon Torres gave her life to save the Human Torres and, once aboard Voyager, The Doctor was able to recombine both elements of Torres' DNA, as the procedure to separate them had compromised the Human Torres' ability to process key proteins. Janeway then made her chief engineer over Carey. WebThere was a myth several years ago that he earned as much as $600 million from Priceline stock, but both Shatner and the companys CEO have debunked that, saying he sold shares at But the assimilation was only of her body. Light J/C coupling. She verbally attacked Seven of Nine, finding it hard to believe she had no "sense of guilt" for her past as a Borg. Tom is initially meant to be the Riker-esque playboy, but there is something darker about him from the beginning. ...change is good because that’s how you grow as a person. Boarded by nefarious robots, Captain Chakotay of the USS Protostar takes drastic measures to protect the ship's resident Vice Admiral... An AU of Prodigy where Kathryn joins Chakotay on the Protostar and another former Voyager crewmember takes the lead in recovering the lost ship. Torres crashed on a planet where, in exchange for parts to repair the shuttle, she told Kelis, a poet, stories he later used to amuse the head of his planet. A young B'Elanna was played by Jessica Gaona in VOY: "Lineage". When orders take his squadron to train under the Women's AirForce Service Pilots, he begins to contemplate more than simple survival. “Oh that’s realistic.”. A bomb was planted on their ship, but they were able to eject it in time. Miral The holograms were led by Iden, who believed that all organics should be destroyed. Paris Torres Kisses klugtiger: “Because I needed this. He only became willing to follow through on his own attraction to her after Tuvok rescued them and informed him that unless he had sex with B'Elanna, she would die from the symptoms of the blood fever. B’Elanna’s situation is awful, but there is a palpable suggestion in their scenes that while she is physically vulnerable, he is emotionally vulnerable. When Seven had been lured back to the collective in the heist, Torres manned the weapons systems allowing the Delta Flyer to rescue Seven. Tom Paris (husband) Explore. 168, 182 & 184), The same compilation of notes, from 6 August 1993, additionally suggested a relationship between this character and The Doctor. (VOY: "Drive"), When Seven was dying because her cortical node was malfunctioning, to get away from The Doctor, she hid in main engineering. This would have greatly reduced the length of Voyager's journey, but the aliens refused to share their technology because of their prime directive. Or at least bend a few.” The implication is that her stubborn will doesn’t have to be a flaw. She utilized an inoculation administered by The Doctor before the mission that kept her mind from being assimilated, and thus kept her from becoming a Borg drone. I think B'Elanna probably stayed Torres, like Deanna stayed Troi I believe. Will Chakotay or the captain figure out what their trying to do? But what she also said, which would haunt her for more than twenty years, was "If you can't handle it anymore, why don't you just leave!" As Duplicate Seven of Nine says at the wedding of Duplicate Tom and B’Elanna in “Course: Oblivion,” “Given the volatile nature of their relationship, one might have predicted homicide instead of matrimony.” And yet, breaking up Tom and B’Elanna would be like Voyager finding a nice M-class planet and giving up on the journey home. You’ll hit me back?”, after an away mission in which B'Elanna gets lightly assimilated, Seven and B'Elanna have some things to work out. The last year and the return home (2377-2378), A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager, The Doctor was forced to impersonate members of. When B'Elanna overheard this in her tent, she got angry, and later yelled at him for saying such things about her mother. Occupation: (VOY: "Shattered"), In an alternate 25th century timeline, after Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant in 2394, Torres became Federation Liaison to the Klingon Empire and was responsible for arranging Admiral Janeway's meeting with Korath. Picture Information. This also led to the first obvious hints of a relationship with Tom Paris. (VOY: "Day of Honor"), She accompanied The Doctor on an away mission to save another sentient hologram stranded on a disabled ship. WebBlog patrick thornberry yoga / Uncategorized / how much did star trek: voyager actors get paid She thought "they felt peaceful, like floating in the womb," but years later, in actual practice, she said she felt "a little sick to [her] stomach." Tom Paris noted that he felt like dying after losing B'Elanna before Kes helped him move on. (VOY: "The Cloud"), Torres also formed a close friendship with Seska, a Bajoran crew member in Chakotay's Maquis cell. WebTorres had her first romantic flirtation with Tom Paris in 2373 during an away mission on a shuttlecraft. It wasn’t that she was afraid, she’d stopped being afraid of Seven years ago, but more that she didn’t know how they’d mix. Without authorization from Chakotay, she sent Dreadnought to attack the Cardassian fuel station on Aschelan V, but an evasive attack route took it through the Badlands, where it inexplicably disappeared. Web(2015) STAR TREK: VOYAGER: HEROES & VILLAINS - TOM PARIS & B'ELANNA TORRES (R3) $3.95 + $5.99 shipping . Active (2378) Reads B'Elanna Torres in an alternate 25th century timeline, In an alternate timeline created when Kes traveled back in time from 2376 to 2371, Torres was killed by an energy beam from the warp core. Miral then died and Torres decided to stay on Boreth and immerse herself in Klingon tradition. It shows that he is capable of honestly caring about her. She asked The Doctor to make further genetic changes so that the child would not have Klingon features. But when a deadly winter storm forces Chakotay to take shelter in Kathryn’s store, both their lives are inextricably altered. (VOY: "Juggernaut"), Toward the end of that year, B'Elanna met up with an old flame from Starfleet Academy, Maxwell Burke, who was stranded in the Delta Quadrant on the USS Equinox. They've been home for several months and everything has worked out as it should have, the Maquis are free, Janeway is now an Admiral, and the crew are getting on with their lives, but not everything is right in the Universe, and its time the Universe sorted a few things out. But she’s also a brilliant and innovative scientist. Even though quite a brilliant student and promising engineer, she eventually dropped out of the Academy in 2368, at the age of nineteen.
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