Unlike other Jeep variants that saw wide use among civilians, the M151 rarely comes up for sale as a private vehicle. The M151 was a series of light offroad vehicles introduced in 1959. M151's For Sale 1959 - 1978, M151, M151A1, M151A2 jeeps, NO EBAY or COMMERCIAL SALES. The 151’s were supposed to be cut in half and sold as scrap. Bei ernsthaftem... 32.000 km Gas tank is clean and Carb is good (recently has been removed and cleaned). Die Reihenfolge der Suchergebnisse richtet sich ausschließlich nach den Parametern Datum der Anzeige, Preis und Entfernung. All the different places to find the data on your jeep. Single vehicle pictures and pictorial restoration montages. Item is a WILLY’S JEEP (JEEP does have the removable Top, NO picture) Item is approx. WebModel Vietnam War Era M151A2 Military Truck A1 Jeep MUTT. Pictures of vehicles at the factory and before being issued to units. 1479 Topics 5255 Posts Last post WTB: M151A2 by … 1944 Jeep Willy's 4 MB WWII Era Military Jeep With Matching Trailer. This jeep has been not been cut and has a clear blue 1967 Texas title. .AM General M151A2 MUTT "Jeep" M151 for sale.Current customer rating: (2.05) based on 234 votes. DOORS AND SIDE CURTAINS ARE NOT INCLUDED. Dettol: ÓðñÝé 2 óå 1 ãéá Ýíá áðüëõôá áóöáëÝò êáëïêáßñé. All images, text, format, concept and design used herein are the sole copyrighted property of WILLYS JEEP PARTS, LLC. + Read More Save Search Saved (0) My Favorite Listings (0) Filters Applied: jeep m151 Filter by Make & Model Make Abarth AC Ace ACF Acura (21) Adler (1) Advantage (1) Aermacchi (1) Ahrens-Fox (3) The matching trailer is included and that, too, has been restored to the same high standards and comes fully outfitted with more hardware, boxes, cans, and canvas. © SmartMotorGuide New York, NY - All rights 15033 MILES SHOWING. Click to see listings on Ebay Up for sale is a “Vietnam” Era 1962 M151 Ford Military Utility Tactical Truck or “MUTT” for short. M151A2 MUTT w/ full metal … WebClassic cars for sale / Jeep / 1974 jeep M151A2 Mutt Military version Prev Next 1974 Jeep Other am general Additional Info: 1974 AM General M151A2 Jeep. In good serviceable condition. This site is being built to fill a giant void in the research on M151 series vehicles. Keep me in the conversation via email. There were few useable parts, the engines were unique, starters mounted on the transmission so they couldn’t even be used for power units. I am the lead judge for M151 series vehicle for the MVPA (Military Vehicle Preservation Association www.mvpa.org ), and have done this for 12 or so conventions. Óôçí ðåñßðôùóç ðïõ äåí ãíùñßæåôå ôï ãåíéêü êùäéêü åéóüäïõ, ðáñáêáëïýìå åðéêïéíùíÞóôå ìáæß ìáò óôï 210 2829552. We understand that this engine is from a later model, but they're all pretty much identical so the difference is academic. Model Mileage shows 70,590 and thought to be all original. Es ist kein Morlock... Verkaufe hier einen Ersatzmotor der US Army aus Depot Bestand. My goal is to help educate with this site, everyone should be recognized for their contributions. Become a member to add images to your comments. A correct military-grade axe hangs under the driver's door opening, joined by a shovel on the passenger's side. Complete vehicles too. Second, If you wish to contribute information please send it to me. Please join your local club and especially the Military Vehicle Preservation Association, Detailed production data and other information (especially Ford related material) supplied by, Pictures and information (Tech Tips is FULL of various info), I am the lead judge for M151 series vehicle for the MVPA (Military Vehicle Preservation Association. View All For Sale. The browser you are using is no longer supported! BODY IS SOLID WITH NO RUST THROUGH. This manual is for use in operating and maintaining all of the 1/4 ton 4×4 models of the M151 series vehicles. Mileage is 8,396. the original 4 cylinder gas engine with 4 speed manual transmission and 4 wheel drive. 1954 Topics 7722 Posts Last post Re: Nice M151A1 complete turn … by redcoat54th Sat Jan 21, 2023 6:39 pm M151's Wanted 1959 - 1978, M151, M151A1, M151A2, Wanted jeeps or parts, list your needs. All rights reserved. KOREAN WAR ERA...NO RESERVE....MILITARY TREASURE. The M151 was a series of light offroad vehicles introduced in 1959. We did a little work on it and used it as a local desert runner for more than … It was part of an estate for a veteran and sold off at auction. Ford Mutt A2 neue Benzin Pumpe Vietnam War Era M151A2 Military Truck A1 Jeep MUTT. Mileage 19555. WebUSED. comes with two doors, side panels. The 3-speed manual transmission shifts easily and the suspension makes it feel agile and quick. 37-02 M151 "MUTT COLLECTION We have three M151 series vehicles for sale to include an M151A2, an M151A1 an early M151 and truck loads of original parts. Fascinating stuff guys! You have some M151 goodies to sell? Good running engine (see youtube video link provided) You can come to inspect in person or send your agent. The starter is still a foot pedal and you'll be amazed by how heavy-duty everything is, from the tubes feeding the windshield wiper motors to the original gauges in the center of the dash. These are cool though, sort of the evolutionary missing link between the Jeep and the Hummvee. UNCUT chassis. WebM151 PARTS - FOR SALE SECTION The for sale section. neuem Vergaser. M151s In Vietnam and before. 1961. There were a few that got out in the US early before the restrictions (like the Hummers) I had a buddy in the busisness that made a congressional inquiry into why they had to be destroyed. 1975 M151A2 Wolverine in Saint Louis, MO. At one time they were quite expensive. Vor ca 30... Verkaufe The Canadian’s had no restrictions on them and many uncut versions came from there. What makes this matter worse is that the title has body type as a trailer (titled in Illinois) ! More awesome accessories and equipment include the heavy-duty M4 pedestal mount for the 50-caliber gun (the gun itself is included, and stows in the matching trailer), the dual shortwave radios setup in back, and the ammo box between the seats. They used to sell 20 at a time for 1500.00……….the rub was they had to be destroyed. M151A2 Ford Military Jeep (MUTT) '68 w/ ROPS kit, tools, new top, M151A2 Ford Military Jeep (MUTT) '68 w/ ROPS kit, tools, new top, radio accys, VERY NICE M151A1 MUTT with matching M416 Trailer. I have amassed tons of information over the years on the M151 series vehicles, so now it is time to share the wealth so to speak. M718 & M718A1  -  Truck, Ambulance M718 based on the M151A1 Vehicle, M151A2 was the base vehicle for the TOW kits both Launcher & Carrier, Detail for RT246, RT524 & R442 radios is under "M151 Series - Installation Kits". You have some M151 goodies to sell? Posted Over 1 Month. Everything provided in these pages is what I know (and with the help of a few others), we are all learning new information, so things will and can change. Einfach. eBay Kleinanzeigen: Ford Mutt M151, Kleinanzeigen - Jetzt finden oder inserieren! All rights reserved. Er wurde von einem Museumsbesitzer erworben... 25.000 km If you are willing to jump thru the hoops and get it done, you can. 1-1/2″ by 3″ by 1-1/2″. Learn more. eBay Kleinanzeigen - Kostenlos. The M151A1 starts easily and runs good, he brakes are good and its a nice machine to drive. The front end is equipped with headlight guards, a roll-up radiator canvas, and a tow rope around the front bumper. I drove these. Suchen. The Truck, Utility, ¼-Ton, 4×4, M151 or simply M151 was the successor to the Korean War M38 and M38A1 jeep Light Utility Vehicles.The M151 had an integrated body design which offered a little more space than prior jeeps, and featured all-around independent suspension with coil springs. Please join your local club and especially the Military Vehicle Preservation Association www.mvpa.org . My goal is this site will be a first stop reference for everyone. US ARMY Ford Mutt M151 Türen L+R Rahmen + Plane A1 A2 Neu (nur die unten... Verkaufe In der Standard-Sortierung, ohne Eingabe eines Ortes, werden neueste Anzeigen (alternativ änderbar auf "Günstigste zuerst") oben gezeigt. Please choose to download one of the following options for an improved browsing experience: Chrome ( Download ), Microsoft Edge ( Download ) or Mozilla Firefox ( Download ). Vehicle Description. in metro Atlanta counties it is not allowed. 1978 einer letzten . Dan Parmley Jr. ", Online Öáñìáêåßá: 13% áýîçóç ôæßñïõ êáôáãñÜöçêå óôïí êëÜäï ôï 2022, PGEU: 7 þñåò ôçí åâäïìÜäá áó÷ïëïýíôáé ïé öáñìáêïðïéïß ìå ôéò åëëåßøåéò, ÔïîéêÜ áíôéâç÷éêÜ õðåýèõíá ãéá ôï èÜíáôï 300 ðáéäéþí, ÊáôÜëëçëïò ÷þñïò ãéá öáñìáêåßï óôï Óýíôáãìá, Pfizer Hellas Band: Ìéá éäéáßôåñç åïñôáóôéêÞ ìïõóéêÞ âñáäéÜ, ÅÏÐÕÕ: Êáôáããåëßåò áóöáëéóìÝíùí ãéá óõíôáãïãñáöÞóåéò êáé åêôåëÝóåéò óõíôáãþí åí áãíïßá ôïõò, ÅëëçíéêÞ ¸íùóç Market Access: ÍÝïò åðéóôçìïíéêüò öïñÝáò óôï ÷þñï ôçò Õãåßáò, H Johnson & Johnson ÅëëÜäáò äéáêñßèçêå ùò Êïñõöáßïò Åñãïäüôçò ãéá 2ç óõíå÷Þ ÷ñïíéÜ, ÓõíäõáóôéêÜ åìâüëéá ãñßðçò & Covid-19 åôïéìÜæïõí ìåãÜëåò öáñìáêïâéïìç÷áíßåò, ÓõíÜíôçóç ôç ÐÝìðôç ãéá ôï íÝï ðñïåäñåßï óôï ÖÓÁ, Óôéò 14 Óåðôåìâñßïõ áñ÷ßæïõí ïé åìâïëéáóìïß ìå ôá íÝá åìâüëéá Covid-19, Ðþò ç Åíóõíåéäçôüôçôá ïäçãåß óôçí åðéôõ÷ßá ôïõò åðáããåëìáôßåò êáé ôá óôåëÝ÷ç åðé÷åéñÞóåùí, Ïé 4 ðñïôÜóåéò ôïõ ÉÓÁ ãéá ôéò åëëåßøåéò öáñìÜêùí, Ðñüåäñïò ôçò ðñùôïâïõëßáò Future-Ready Business ï Óßìïò Áíáóôáóüðïõëïò, ÊORRES: ÕðïäÝ÷åôáé ôç ÷ñïíéÜ ìå ìéá íÝá êáôçãïñßá ðñïúüíôùí. We empower classic and exotic car buyers, sellers, and enthusiasts with insights for the collector car industry – including market values, price comparisons, listing alerts and more. Feasterville-Trevose, PA, USA. jUncut body! The engine bay is neatly detailed with basic olive drab paint and satin black enamel, but check out all the heavy-duty features. Um … Note the flat grille, and headlights behind the grille also. Copyright 2005-2019 WILLYS JEEP PARTS LLC. Simple stuff like civilian crossovers to detailed replacement of components. WebDescription for Ford M151a1 1964. BE ADVISED! Die eBay Kleinanzeigen-Dienste werden betrieben von der eBay Kleinanzeigen GmbH. What this site can not provide. All parts had to be functional equivalents and fully interchangeable but did not have to be identical. Bitte aktualisiere deinen Browser. M151A2 This vehicle was recovered from a bombing range in south western Arizona twenty five years ago. Some states are easier. Clean inside out engine starts and runs 24V system, all orginal, has choke and pull gas handle beside the floor pedal It's been indoor stored and gained only 2000 miles since 2001 (i have a copy of one of the title in 2001)Since 2002 it belonged to an Vietnam Vet in his 60's who used it mostly for parade in IL near Chicago. 1955 MILITARY LIKE JEEP CJ. The M151 was a series of light offroad vehicles introduced in 1959. Please review the. Information posted here is "current knowledge" of whatever that information provided may be. New tires are a pretty close match to the original military rubber and give it just the right military look. M151 - M151A1 - M718 - M151A1C - M151A2 - M718A1 - M825. MOSSBERG 151M rifle For Sale. 1. To compensate for stealing their design Bantam was awarded a contract to produce the quarter ton trailer that was to be towed behind the scout car, or “Jeep” as it became known. Engine: 4 cyli... $12,900 USD. I spent years trying to figure out a way to make a buck on them……..without any practical solution. The design was appropriated by the US government as Bantam could not produce the number of vehicles the military required. Thanks! Lokal. Original & Highly Original, All rights reserved, © 2023 CLASSIC.COM LLC. Bitte aktualisiere deinen Browser. When the Army finally settled on a final design, which used various ideas from all three, Bantam Willys and Ford they had shown a preference for the Ford grille. ÅÜí áíÞêåôå óôçí êáôçãïñßá áõôÞ, ðáñáêáëïýìå åéóÜãåôå ôï ãåíéêü êùäéêü åéóüäïõ: ÊáëùóÞëèáôå óôï åéäçóåïãñáöéêü site ôïõ Öáñìáêåõôéêïý Êüóìïõ. According to the prior owner the vehicle had the … If it was a bolted to the base vehicle in any way it's in here. If you served prior to the introduction of the Humvee, then you'll find this one very familiar. WebNice, solid, all original M151 offered. I believe there was a restriction on selling surplus M151’s to the public, due to the roll over risk. Help me help you. There’s a lot to like here, and the subtle differences between this and a Mighty Mite will test even the most seasoned Jeep enthusiast’s knowledge. 1960 to 1975. Have a title and original data plate (7/63). Versand... Verkaufe This additional roll-over protection is a welcome feature in a vehicle like this, and it also likely looks pretty good with the soft top pulled down. Sign up for our free daily email and you’ll never miss another find: Big Block Pony Project: 1969 Mustang Boss 429, V8 Candidate? Original Sitzpolster Vinyl für M151. WebM151 series Windshield Catch, Hood Hold, NSN 2510-00-177-7872, New $4.99 $4.50 shipping 50 sold NOS Drag Link w/ Idler Arm 11640668-1, for M151 Jeep a $139.00 $14.00 shipping or Best Offer Only 1 left! The face of the Jeep is Ford. Vietnam War Era M151A2 Military Truck A1 Jeep MUTT, Get your own valid XHTML YouTube embed code if you can't view video here, the the link is : youtu.be/dXvamyFMxe0 or search youtube: Good running jeep mutt m151 The good: low mileage, 19,500 miles, the copy of the one owner's title in 2001 has 17, 000 miles Excellent, totally rust-free body. 1962 Ford MUTT M151 Military Jeep, Complete, Front PTO Drive, Own History! Make, Model, Year, Kits, Parts, everything. Painting, Gas tanks, Carburetors, Tires. July 19, 2020 • CATEGORIES: Features, M-151. The tires and wheels had no value. I’m no lawyer but the “face” of the Jeep was entirely the result of Ford design ideas in the very earliest prototypes submitted to the army. PARTS We have hundreds of original parts for these vehicles to include engines, transmissions, front and rear axle assemblies, wheels, brakes, wire harnesses, windshields, seats, top bows, door frames, radiator guards, lights, antennas and brackets and so on.
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