Im kind of glad i live in the us where i can break the law with impunity and not have to worry about actual punishment. Anyway, putting aside US politics, I fear that Bush and his ilk have made it very difficult for us to take the moral high grd. Canning is fuking barbaric. All he has is a towel to stem the flow. It wasn't me but a classmate of mine. ‘I feel a lot of relief that it’s finally over, but at the same time a bit disappointed that there’s nothing left to fight. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Imagine a thug gets into your home at night, beats you sensless, rapes your wife, kills your dog and steals your stash, and then he gets caught. But the government has long defended its use of corporal punishment. Caning is mutilation. Do they have the right to take away the chance to get married, have a kid and live a normal life?”. Unlike some countries where corporal punishment is disallowed, even at home, it is allowed here in Singapore. Never gotten a public caning myself,... An ‘odd’ otter, digital art generator, and a special edition watch strap. ‘’Back then, the life expectancy was much lower, thus the age limit of 50,’’ she says. One is a fair and just society with clear laws and penalties for breaking them which are well known and publicised. The rattan canes are 1.2 metres long with a thickness of 1.2 centimetres. Do you know what are the atrocities going on inside the city state? I think any criminal deserves to have their ass bared and whipped hard. The convicted drug dealer received the brutal punishment after he lost his final appeal against the sentence. I was taken to Changi prison in 2004 when I was only 19 years Old. I was given orange shirt and orange pants- the prison dress. Two blue colour und... Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time. Is that the govt. What is his name and address? ‘A case may be filed against the Singapore State.’. They were being punished for being ridiculously late (repeatedly), skipping school, smoking, etc. I don’t know the minimum age for caning, but men over 50 can not be caned. When the first hit landed, some upper sec kid screamed really loudly. But that’s not what a free and advanced society is supposed to about now, is it? whip me now! Police arrest two rescue workers for stealing several public defibrillators from police kiosks and then selling them at deep discounts to other rescuers. They talked about a book Singer wrote earlier this year titled “There Are No Accidents: The … What the f#$% is going on u bunch of idiots? ‘Singapore is a signatory to the UN Treaty which prohibits torture and caning has been described as torture by international jurisprudence, so our client has his rights under international law. What a job that must be. On top of a 20-year sentence, he was given the maximum number of strokes a male inmate can receive. ‘He didn’t cry in front of me and tried to be stoic, but his sense of outrage at being physically violated reminded me of victims of violence.’, He adds: ‘Before, he was always very chatty and cheery but now he seems detached from life, as if part of his personality is missing. ‘He told me, “I’m so relieved it’s over. The perpetrators should be forced to suffer a long, miserable jail sentence but not physical torture. Let he who has no sin cast the first stone. heart. I was caned in Changi prison in Singapore. I had received 10 strokes of cane and five years of jail in 2008. The Cane is soaked in brine to inflict... … I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh at the time who said it would be the best medicine Michael Faye could receive, as though it was just a glorified spanking. One afternoon, sometime after the earlier incident, Nellie’s father went into the master bedroom where she was watching YouTube videos and sexually assaulted her. Caning Aftermath & Recovery; Hurt/Comfort; Language: English Stats: Published: 2014-03-25 Words: 7928 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 1 Kudos: 9 Hits: 6764. What answor will Punishments which the country’s corrective system uses tells more about the society itself and its way of raising children than anything else. In Singapore, Limbaugh could have his fat buttocks caned. Ok. Caning is the worst punish ment ever. Should the caning be stopped mid-session, the offender may be given up to 12 months of imprisonment to compensate for the unfinished strokes. You americans have more to be ashamed of than you’d dare to admit. I am a german doing an internship in S’pore right now. Asiaweek illustrated feature article on Michael Fay's judicial caning in Singapore, 1994. Who knows how Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Bob Grant, etc. Singaporean bowlers Adelia Naomi Yokoyama, 23, and Kimberly Quek, 22, edged and struck out the competition... A law in place to prevent cancel culture. In his letter, Elysia’s brother writes that he is resigned to his fate and places his faith in God. or any of the hotels in geylang. All civilized societies have disavowed torture and physical punishment (dismemberment, crucifixion, bone crushing, stretching machines, needles in the eyeballs, yanking off toe nails, etc.). If you are traveling or moving to another country, know the laws before you live or go there or face the punishments. Compassion should be for the victim. I lived there, and they spare the cane for more serious things, especially with foreigners. And am sure those people A lighter cane is used on convicts aged 16 to 18, for a maximum of 10 strokes. Real embarrassing for him, so far I know he's gotten worse(probably in a jail somewhere). Please stop all this hypocritical crap about what a “free and advanced society” is supposed to be, and carping on other countries, when the most “free and advanced society” in the world sees it fit to torture hundreds of individuals without trial in Guantanamo, Iraq and Eastern Europe. She got no “closure” from our glorious “justice system” here in the US. Thread closed. Gee..too bad people have to resort to name calling in this arguement. began the fine art of caning. yup – this seems to what is done in sg – but the face of the one who whips the fella is covered with some cloth – so that he cannot be recognised. Answer (1 of 5): I have received it myself, hence I can tell you all. Yet others strongly feel that caning is ineffective and should be replaced by longer jail terms instead. No idea what happened to him but it was pretty fucking anticlimactic and hilarious. Does anyone think singapore strictly follows the rules and regulations?? I am glad you had your nose rubbed in your own stinking filth you disgusting little boy. A german colleage of mine was in prison last week because he touched an asian girl on her backside in a disco – he and the girls were drunken, but she decided to go to the security man to tell him about the german guy. I strongly feel that the sentence of 20 years and 24 strokes of the cane was grossly disproportionate to the crime committed.’, Mr Ravi agrees: ‘Someone who is convicted to life imprisonment in Singapore is entitled to ask after 20 years for release, so Ming’s sentence is actually life imprisonment.’. The malaysian leader keep telling that malaysia is a democratic country but we all know it’s crap. What will be the condition of my parents, in case they came to know about the mental and physical torchure their How loud the sound of "swishing", along with the impact, was was kind of surprising. Nellie and her sister slept with their parents in two rooms without a fixed arrangement. 13 Caning Singapore Premium High Res Photos Browse 13 caning singapore stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. The whole thing is meaningless when you have doctors wandering past asking ‘What pain do you have?’ after the State caused all the damage.” ’. When it was his turn, he was strapped to an A-frame trestle, with his naked buttocks exposed, as a series of experienced caners took turns to deliver the blows with a cane soaked in water to increase flexibility and strength. We were having homec class. Maybe people have a right to not get raped, killed, etc., and maybe this guy has a right not to have his ass beaten raw. ‘Before the caning, I could see that Ming was preparing himself, but there was also a lot of trepidation,’ says Mr Ravi. I still don't understand what's the issue with children playing football in the void deck. In Britain, Yuen’s offences might have resulted in 12 months in prison at most. Which generation were you from? Why cause all that pain and then offer painkillers?”, ‘In his mind he thinks, “You have damaged me, taken out your anger on me, and what do you achieve? of course, the state dept wouldn’t be able to do shit, but maybe the court of world public opinion would put a little more pressure on singapore to release him. The plicemen threatens him that he would get at least 3 strokes for his offence. may not know about these atrocities, but rest Mr Ravi adds: ‘After the caning Ming couldn’t sleep because, for the first two days, the blood was still coming out and he couldn’t control his bowels. Like henry says, it vandalizes the human body. An interesting glimpse into an aspect of the culture here that is so different from anything we know back home…. We are supposed to be better than that. Canning should be applied universaly for all violent crimes. Sehenswert sind u. a. ein begehbares Aquarium, Fort Siloso, der Orchard Garten, der … While the cut-off age was enacted during the 1960s or 1970s, a time when life expectancies were shorter, Singaporean men and women live longer and healthier lives today. He couldn’t sit for too long so he was standing up. No big deal honestly. His family, unaware of his recreational drug use — which started in his teens — were proud of his success after he was voted Singapore’s best DJ, with his face appearing on billboards and magazine covers. Though Yuen’s family say that ‘in no way, shape or form’ do they excuse his drugs crimes and respect Singapore’s laws, they feel his sentence was unduly harsh. Head of the Crime Department of Quahe, Woo & Palmer LLC Sunil Sudheesan, the cut-off age of 50 for caning was established by the British in the 1900s, during colonial rule in Singapore. all the best goes out to his family. These offenders would have turned 50 and older and today, men in their 50s tend to be as fit or fitter than their younger counterparts. But the answer is not mutilation. No big deal honestly. Play it now! are you kidding me? Has he ever been interviewed on tv, or been too ashamed? What’s more reasonable…years in prison for drug possesstion, of a couple of stroke of the cane? Such a review may give more closure to victims of sexual offenders, he said, as the heinous abuse of the perpetrators may have deeply traumatised their victims psychologically and physically, and caning will send a clear deterrent message. Press J to jump to the feed. The Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE) opposes caning as a punishment for criminal offences. Eligible offences include drug trafficking, vandalism, rioting and overstaying a visa by more than 90 days. (Reuters photo). All rights reserved. No matter how heinous the crime, you do not descend to the level of barbarity of the perpetrator. What is up with this .,… YOur butt is so hot you Chinese people! it makes my noogies draw up pleasurably just to say that!!! It is arguable that overcrowded prison environments where rape/violence is often the norm and hence part of the punnishment ,is a more cruel punnishment. Those people are barbarous. Can the law now be reviewed to remove the blanket exemption, and instead review each offence on a case-by-case basis with each perpetrator’s health taken into account? ‘It was absolutely brutal, unnecessary, unjust and immoral. Caning is torture. Why is it some people are strongly opposed to the death sentence but think that life in prison is not a “death by old age” sentence? Further, it must give some solace to the victim. Tax payer funded. Being South African i hear about weird crime/justice things all the time. ‘’After that incident, I avoided sleeping alone with him, but I did not tell my mother about what happened as I did not want anything to happen to my family.’’ she says. In the aftermath of the events that follow Dean takes care of Aidan and helps him recover. At the time, she was living with her mother, brother, father and elder sister in a flat with four bedrooms. Fay is said to have shouted 'I'm dying' when the first stroke was delivered. And why is prison such a better punishment? Look at Singapore and malaysia;s crime rate. Couple of burglars broke into the house around midnight. Troops mock female CO struggling in the saddle, Notorious boss of the Nomads gang has re-emerged on TikTok, Man appears to strike camel moments before it trampled him to death. Teacher told him and he proceeded to give us all (30 over of us) 1 stroke of the cane. Anything that happened to them between then and arrival of police is their fault. I think the can should be introduced into Australia. he violated someone’s body, and now he’s getting a taste of his own medicine (excuse the cliche please). caning sort of excites me in a perverse sort of way… I could watch a caning and go wank off…. this is soooo mank i showd all my friends and they sed ‘a person has to chew their daily gum…’ Many countries endorse state funded murder with the death penalty…glass houses. It is always carried out privately in prison. It is seen as an effective deterrent for certain kinds of offence. She said: ‘’Children typically experience a lot of guilt and self-blame. 1) You got those pics from, right? Do not sell or share my personal information. (Although they don’t cane women, so it doesn’t apply to me anyway. Bowel problems have plagued him since the caning. For armed robbery u can get caned but for shop theft u are not caned. Well, after recovering, the BURGLARS ten sued the family for what they did to them!! yeah! Singapore - Flogged For Vandalism 15,476 views Jul 21, 2015 19 Dislike Share Save AP Archive 4.5M subscribers (5 May 1994) American teenager Michael Fay, in prison in Singapore for … Building it once more. I don’t agree with capital / corporal punishment but I don’t think anyone should pass judgment on an entire nation, or its people, on the basis that it has sinned or needs to be “reformed”. That is serious stuff. ‘In the end I don’t think any of this matters, not that it’s not important to fight for what is right or that we should go about our lives apathetically,’ he says, adding, ‘but my new mantra is “very few things matter and nothing matters much at all”.’, He ends by reverting to Frank Sinatra. Judicial caning, ordered by a court as a sentence for certain crimes as laid down in Singapore legislation. "The result: we are one of the few countries in the world where the drug menace has been fought reasonably successfully - not won, you can never say that these things are won - but reasonably successful, and certainly not lost.". It vandalizes the human body. – his arse probably looked like this after the caning. (normal people huddle together with hands on each other shoulder, this champion huddle with his hand going under the arms to touch boobs). ‘’We therefore strongly recommend that criminal punishments centre on the latter.”. Unwrapped: S’pore set law to stop cancel culture but is POFMA cancel culture? It wasn't that painful and there was no shame in the aftermath because caning was commonplace when I was in secondary school. I am sure they will die of broken ‘’I did not tell my mother or sister what Daddy did to me as I did not want my family to break up. (Caning pictures from Singapore.) For example, the U.S. has the highest per capita prison population in the world, with approximately 40% of those incarcerated being convicted of nonviolent crimes. Civilized nations have long abandoned the whipping post. but in Singapore still rapers , armed robers , drugs and there are caning , caning is not the panacea to fight against crimes as commonly supposed. Tell him to email me! of the world knows…. Its exactly the ‘do as I say – or else’ self-righteous mindset that teaches kids like Fay to have no regard for authority and run into trouble with the law. Being caned is terrible feeling. Inmates flogged in Singapore are stripped naked and strapped to a wooden trestle. Something similar. Unable to sleep, Yuen prays to God to calm his fears of long-term physical damage. Is there a Singapore medical association holding them to any kind of standards? Everyone started laughing, the DM got really angry and they dragged the kid out. I’m not as concerned about trying to rehabilitate the criminal as I am about trying to help the victim overcome there physical and emotional scars. He pleaded guilty to one charge of aggravated statutory rape and one charge of aggravated sexual assault by penetration. kenna cane for playing football after school under the void deck! Torturing continued for about an hour (using fish hooks and stuff) and then they called the police. Many sexual offenders who abuse their victims often have their crimes revealed years later, when they are much older and therefore evade caning for their crimes. Tell me what you think. kid suffered? Since his incarceration they’ve only been able to visit Singapore once a year. So, when you free and fell boring, come to Malaysia and have yourself a little rotan. moronic moron? He has been knocked down, but I fear the fact that the House elections are one year away, and knowing the rabid Fox news types, they could very well swing it ard for him again in this period. April 22, 1994. Examples include the New Zealander Aaron Cohen and the Australian Robert Symes. Adult caning in Singapore is never or almost never imposed on its own, but is in addition to a prison sentence. Many thousands of men have received this punishment, and the numbers rose inexorably over the years from the 1990s until 2007. I agree, mandatory caning for crimes like vandalism is extreme but caning in singapore is hardly a routine atrocity. On the other hand, had he been prosecuted and caned as well as doing jail time, she probably would not have been so deeply haunted by the whole thing. Idiot. Join the conversations on TheHomeGround Asia’s, In Conversation With: Adele Lau, founder of animal-assisted interactions SG, Ms Adele Lau recounts how, as a teenager, the presence of animals helped her feel less anxious in social settings. He is examined to ensure medical fitness, and a doctor is present and can stop the caning at any time. I cant believe the comments on here, cmon now if you cant take the cane, dont do the crime. Its Head of Advocacy and Research Shailey Hingorani says. The government does not publish statistics on corporal punishment. I know I sure as hell won’t be vandalising any cars in Singapore. You’d also have a lot less crime if you also made it a police state and made everyone wear big signs around their necks with their name and ID number. “As I grew into my…, 13-year-old stole the show at launch of book on the NMP scheme, A 13-year-old student from Raffles Girls’ Secondary School (RGSS) stole the limelight from the centrepiece at the launch of a new book titled The Nominated…, Big Read Unwrapped: Civil movement and the death of the patriarchal government, Civil movement grows stronger as the Singapore society matures and its population becomes better educated. (Photo source: Canva). But a medical officer must be present during the caning to certify that the offender is fit to be caned continuously. The matter was then reported to the police and late last year,  her father was sentenced to 23 years’ jail. LONDON (AP) _ A Singapore man who was punished by 12 strokes of a cane said he was still having nightmares about it 23 years later. Hannah, Claire: my aunt (who was caning me) and her 10 year old daughter (who I’d touched up to earn the caning). He was 87. So, does this exemption make sense? 1) That is clearly not a Singapore caning. Yuen’s family is now fighting for him to continue his sentence in a British prison, so they can visit him more regularly. While on bail awaiting sentence he was caught using again and given the maximum sentence for ‘repeated drug trafficking’. What will be the condition of my parents, in case they came to know about the mental and physical torchure their Clinton had so much leverage. Why do people think that “cruel and unusual punishment” means “cruel OR unusual punisment”? an i am only thrihteen and me and my mum wacthed it the somirong i think it is at atroses that a australian that has to get hung. Clearly, the punishment is just as bad as the crime and all the more so because it is calculated to inflict pain, measure by measure so the perp won’t pass out or die on the ‘justice’ system. Never got caned, saw a bunch of friends get caned. They tied the father, mother and daughter, and beat the father couple of times so he would tell them where the cash is and the combination for the safe. Talking about “human rights” in that context is insane. There was an outcry in 1994 when US student Michael Fay, then 19, was sentenced to six strokes of the cane in Singapore for vandalism. "Across the board we have draconian punishment: caning, imprisonment, the death penalty," Law Minister K Shanmugam told parliament in 2012. All about the various methods of caning in Singapore. He suggested that instead of a cut-off age, each offender should be examined to determine if he is medically fit for caning, and it should be allowed if he was certified fit for it. Maybe the NOW needs to go to Singapore and demand that women be treated just as brutally under the law as men are. They also check urine. I was caned in a private room but an acquaintance was caned infront of his whole class. … And people complain about a decadent American culture. ‘I don’t know how to put my feelings into words, thinking about what he must have suffered.’. Having disabled them (but not killed) he proceeded to free his family and then him and father tied up the burglars, and went medieval on them. daily and 7 days a week. …but it takes a radical type of ignorance to miss the fact that a criminal puts themselves in the lineup for it, and the punishment – might – not be the first step “over the line” in this context. Did he get some apple strudel tho? Have you ever thought, maybe, Bill Clinton, sitting somewhere behind his desk, honestly and truly felt we should have every right to cane the bastard but had to bow down to pressure from idiots like you? We do not give a flying rats ass who you are or where you come from. Ravi Madasamy, better known as M Ravi or Mr Ravi, who is contemplating legal action under international human rights law. And yes, I did get my nose pushed in it, much to cousin Deborah’s delight. Receiving the strokes standing as in the photo suggests that this is actually a Malaysian caning. Those dumb fucks – how could clinton let them even touch a hair on his (fay’s) body. Before becoming... High inflation and recession. Rachel Zeng from the Singapore Anti-Death Penalty Campaign said corporal punishment has "definitely failed" as a deterrent. But none of us bothered about them at the time, although I did feel uncomfortable hearing them. He writes: ‘I think I took it with a commendable equanimity. SportSG completes takeover of Sports Hub. SHOW MORE SHOW LESS. …. I was Caning officer of Changi prison in Singapore for almost 12 long years. I have caned more 1150 inmates during these 12 years. Earlier there us... These were just some of the over 80. ©2023 Bangkok Post Public Company Limited. ‘’He used to make inappropriate comments about my T-shirts, and skirts. The caning procedure in Singapore requires the recipient to bend over the trestle. Sitting is impossible. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A . My opinion…Singapore is a soverign nation, and has the right to implement it’s own laws. Gen Wit Devahastin na Ayudhya has resigned as leader of the Ruam Phaen Din Party and is prepared to return to the Palang Pracharath Party (PPRP) as chief adviser to the party’s leader, Gen Prawit Wongsuwon. Too logical, hey? It’s a deterrent. I think it’s more barbaric that some individuals got so excited they felt the need to point out that caning is cruel, and in the process forgot WHY the caning is taking place…. A peculiar hybrid of personal journal, dilettantish punditry, pseudo-philosophy and much more, from an Accidental Expat who has made his way from Hong Kong to Beijing to Taipei and finally back to Beijing for reasons that are still not entirely clear to him…, Copyright © 2008 The Peking Duck, Some Rights Reserved. Published: 17:00 EST, 28 August 2020 | Updated: 03:50 EST, 29 August 2020. Singaporean law allows caning to be ordered for over 35 offences, including hostage-taking/kidnapping, robbery, gang robbery with murder, rioting, causing … You’re a moron for drawing some sort of moronic connection between US foreign polict that’s “killed millions” and the caning of Michael Faye. Maybe one day I’ll run into a nice man from singapore and teach him a thing or two – to even the score!!!! Most don’t however. Something like this could reduce costs, recidivism and serve as a deterant. There have been many cases where adult men have sexually abused kids from within their own families. No, I admit it, I know no shame! Who is the man who does the caning? : Archive : 1976 to 1995 : SG Judicial May 1994 Part II: This page is just one of this website's over 2,500 pages of factual documentation and resources on corporal punishment around the world. As is usually the case, most comments show compassion for the perpetrator. You do not overcome barbarism by descending to barbarism. (Not really; the canee was convicted of rape, and this is just part of his punishment.) Speaking to the House, Mr Murali observed that middle-aged sex offenders tended to target younger victims, and therefore needed to be strongly deterred from such actions. This guy has quite a small frame, and — oh my God — they gave him 24 strokes? Also, I’ll say it again, you’re NOT SUPPOSED to break the law. What about the parents of the woman who was raped or the boy who was murdered? He may have hailed from Russia but Dr Alexander Kuznetsov’s commitment to bringing out the best in children is a... From Salzburg to Singapore, the hills will come alive with The Sound Of Music from 22 Nov to 18 Dec.... Gold, silver, and bronze. Yeah, blame Clinton for everything. Cruel and unusual punishment must be banned, as it is in most civilized societies. Ordered to strip naked, he had to listen to the screams of other prisoners knowing he would receive two or three times as many strokes. The caning of United States teenager Michael Fay for vandalism in 1994 strained US-Singapore relations, while the 2010 caning of Swiss national Oliver Fricker for spray-painting a train drew criticism even from Singaporeans. I don’t have to, because this is my site. Do you know what a savant is? Besides, looking at retort, you know no shame. Yes, it’s Malaysia, not Singapore. Caning is wrong. Despite Yuen telling his family he ‘felt no fear’ in a letter from prison, Mr Ravi says: ‘It was very scary for Ming and he described to me how, when he was being caned, he was suddenly pushed and bent over a trestle.
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