Sign up with Pinterest Sign up with Instagram. For a complete list of all available state modifiers, check out the Hover, Focus, & Other States documentation. It allows us to move faster, keep our UI consistent, and focus on the work we want to do instead of writing CSS. Tailwind unifies your social & email marketing into a single solution, and gives you a marketing plan, so you can grow smarter and faster. Tailwind Airlines vergleichen und buchen: Sehen Sie sich Bewertungen von Reisenden an und finden Sie großartige Flugangebote für Tailwind Airlines. In one click, transform your photos into personalized Post design ideas. Tailwind helps you stay organized with an easy to follow plan— it even sends reminders to help you be consistent with your marketing. Wir erstellen diese Hilfsprogramme in der Datei tailwind.config.js mit ein wenig JavaScript. Don’t think of sm: as meaning “on small screens”, think of it as “at the small breakpoint“. 36 13 Tailwind uses literal color names (like red, green, etc.) Responsive everything. Your email and social marketing work better together. All of the components in Tailwind UI are provided in three formats: React, Vue, and vanilla HTML. Tailwind solves a complex problem in an elegant way. Der Hauptzweck von Frameworks besteht darin, die Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit zu erhöhen, indem weniger Arbeit anfällt. Works for background colors, text colors, border colors, and even gradients. 21 ", "Tailwind already has all different time slots, so I could just fill everything up, not have to think about posting at night, because I'm an early bird". Als Nächstes generierst du deine Datei tailwind.config.js, indem du den folgenden Befehl ausführst: Die Datei tailwind.config.js ist leer, wenn sie erstellt wird, also müssen wir einige Codezeilen hinzufügen: Die Dateipfade, die im Inhaltsfeld angegeben sind, ermöglichen es Tailwind, unbenutzte Stile während der Erstellung zu löschen. It helped my design career so much. Tailwind Airlines führt Charterflüge für Reiseveranstalter sowie Wet-Lease-Einsätze hauptsächlich ab dem Flughafen Antalya im Auftrag anderer Fluggesellschaften durch. 69 5 Hast du jemals einen Job in der Entwicklung in Betracht gezogen? hover. 17 Tailwind CSS helps you eject from the complexity of abstracting styles away. A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs. Das gesamte aufgegebenes Gepäck (mit bezahltem Zusatzgepäck) darf 32kg nicht überschreiten, davon unabhängig wird für Übergepäck eine Gebühr fällig, die man beim Check-In erfährt. Ut augue gravida cras quis ac duis pretium ullamcorper consequat. 12 Thanks to @tailwindcss, CSS started to make sense to me. This includes colors, border sizes, font weights, spacing utilities, breakpoints, shadows, and tons more. I never bothered to learn vanilla CSS because it’s a waste of time — why bother when I have Tailwind instead? An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS that lets you use all of Tailwind's build-time features directly in the browser. On medium screens and up, we’ve constrained the width to a fixed size and ensured the image is full height using. Tailwind picks the post times when your audience is most responsive so you can get the most engagement out of every post. Tailwind CSS , dein Webdesign und deine Entwicklung auf die nächste Stufe heben, Wie du CSS für eine optimale Leistung deiner Webseite optimierst, Wie man von Grund auf Webentwickler wird und einen Job findet, Wie hoch ist das durchschnittliche Gehalt eines Webentwicklers? tailwind: Letzter Beitrag: 07 Mai 07, 14:09: My final remnant of hope blew away in the tailwind of their retreating planes. Because Tailwind is a framework for building bespoke user interfaces, it has been designed from the ground up with customization in mind. I didn't think I was going to like @tailwindcss... spent a day using it for a POC, love it! Get Started Why Tailwind? Die Flotte von Tailwind Airlines umfasst aktuell fünf Boeing 737-400. 31 63 Learn more about arbitrary value support in the arbitrary values documentation. 43 That means if you add your own custom utility like this: …the generated variants will not have your configured prefix: If you’d like to prefix your own utilities as well, just add the prefix to the class definition: The important option lets you control whether or not Tailwind’s utilities should be marked with !important. , responsive design. Tailwind includes an expertly-crafted default color palette out-of-the-box that is a great starting point if you don’t have your own specific branding in mind. 'block' applies the same CSS property as 'flex'. Connect with creators, get inspired by fresh ideas, and build relationships in more than 20,000 Tailwind Communities. 16 But when you do need to customize your palette, you can configure your colors under the colors key in the theme section of your tailwind.config.js file: When it comes to building a custom color palette, you can either configure your own custom colors from scratch if you know exactly what you want, or curate your colors from our extensive included color palette if you want a head start. Learn more about Tailwind's utility-first workflow, Learn more about responsive design with Tailwind, Learn more about extracting components with Tailwind. That means that classes with responsive or state modifiers like sm: or hover: will still have the responsive or state modifier first, with your custom prefix appearing after the colon: The dash modifier for negative values should be added before your prefix, so -mt-8 would become -tw-mt-8 if you’ve configured tw- as your prefix: Prefixes are only added to classes generated by Tailwind; no prefix will be added to your own custom classes. What this means is that unprefixed utilities (like uppercase) take effect on all screen sizes, while prefixed utilities (like md:uppercase) only take effect at the specified breakpoint and above. However, I gave it a try and couldn’t be happier. A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs. Using the example above, we would need to set our root element’s id attribute to app in order for styles to work properly. I started using @tailwindcss. Um Flex in Tailwind CSS zu verwenden, musst du eine Flexklasse und die Richtung der Flexelemente hinzufügen: Wenn du flex-row-reverse verwendest, wird die Reihenfolge, in der die Schaltflächen erscheinen, umgekehrt. Mein letzter… 20 Antworten: aus Gegenwind wird Rückenwind - headwind turns to tailwind: Letzter Beitrag: 05 Mai 20, 13:50: Mit der zeit wurde aus Gegenwind ein leichter Rückenwind. Using responsive utility variants to build adaptive user interfaces. Alles, was du wissen musst, ist die Syntax für die Anwendung der einzelnen Hilfsmittel. Two useful tools we can recommend are Palettte and ColorBox — they won’t do the work for you but their interfaces are well-designed for doing this sort of work. Using a custom font is nice because it allows us to make the components look … The React and Vue examples are fully functional out-of-the-box, and are powered by Headless UI — a library of unstyled components we designed to integrate perfectly with Tailwind CSS. Dynamic breakpoints, container queries, and more, Dynamic breakpoints, multi-config, container queries, and more, , , , When the parent is a flex container, we want to make sure the image never shrinks, so we’ve added, On small screens the image is automatically full width by default. It’s such a pleasure to use. Strong documentation, helpful community, and instant results. 47 Handgepäck darf die Maße (20x40x55 cm) nicht überschreiten. If you’d like to define your colors as CSS variables, you’ll need to define those variables as just the color channels if you want them to work with the opacity modifier syntax: Define your CSS variables as channels with no color space function, Don't include the color space function or opacity modifiers won't work. It reignited my excitement for front-end development and implementing custom designs! Learn more about responsive design with Tailwind →. Tailwind CSS is bridging the gap between design systems and products. Having styles right there in your HTML is powerful, which gets even more obvious when using products like Tailwind UI. I was initially skeptical as I began using @tailwindcss, until I now needed to copy a @sveltejs component to a different location and I didn't need to worry about any of my styles breaking. 26 Hier sind ein paar von ihnen: Du kannst Tailwind CSS in Frontend-Webprojekten verwenden, einschließlich JavaScript-Frameworks wie React.js, Next.js, Laravel, Vite, Gatsby usw. Control the padding on all sides of an element using the p-{size} utilities. It feels very much alive. Du musst das p durch ein m ersetzen: Auch wenn Tailwind CSS bereits viele Hilfsprogramme und Gestaltungssysteme für dich bereithält, kann es sein, dass du eine bestimmte Funktionalität haben möchtest, um die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Tailwind zu erweitern. 3 Mit diesem Leitfaden kannst du CSS richtig optimieren und…. Using TailwindCSS will make you feel like you just unlocked a cheat code. Tailwind unifies your social & email marketing into a single solution, and gives you a marketing plan, so you can grow smarter and faster. It's got hundreds of ready-to-use examples to choose from, and is guaranteed to help you find the perfect starting point for what you want to build. 18 14 With the amount of shipping we have to do, skipping the conversion of brainwaves to CSS, and being able to implement at the speed of thought using Tailwind, my life as a fullstack developer has never been more blissful. By default, Tailwind uses a mobile-first breakpoint system, similar to what you might be used to in other frameworks like Bootstrap. It’s never been faster to create beautiful social posts. Tailwind unifies your social & email marketing into a single solution, and gives you a marketing plan, so you can grow smarter and faster. 14 My first tailwind project worked great but what really kicked ass was going back to it months later and saving so much time making new changes. Das meinen wir folgendermaßen: Die vordefinierten Hilfsmittel für Padding und Margin sind sehr ähnlich. Happy user since the first public release! Learn more. The simplest and fastest way to get up and running with Tailwind CSS from scratch is with the Tailwind CLI tool. Sie stimmen auch zu, von Kinsta Informationen über unsere Dienstleistungen, Veranstaltungen und Werbeaktionen zu erhalten. Tailwind lets you conditionally apply utility classes in different states using variant modifiers. Erzählen Sie uns von Ihrer Website oder Ihrem Projekt. Tailwind CSS bietet viele nützliche CSS-Klassen, mit denen du dein Webdesign und deine Entwicklung auf die nächste Stufe heben kannst. 57 We think this is the best choice for most projects, and have found it easier to maintain than using abstract names like primary or danger. Durch Absenden dieses Formulars: stimmen Sie der Verarbeitung der eingereichten persönlichen Daten gemäß Kinsta's Datenschutzerklärung zu, einschließlich der Übertragung der Daten in die Vereinigten Staaten. Tailwind gives me confidence in web development again. 20 Start with a forever-free plan. 29 Einführung in Tailwind CSS: Ein Utility-First CSS Framework. 24 53 8 When I'm working on a project that isn't using Tailwind, first I yell, then I take a deep breath, then I run npm install tailwindcss. For example, use hover:py-8 to only apply the py-8 utility on . With a unified solution you’ll reach and engage new customers with social and convert them with email. Legen Sie los mit den Lernmaterialien von Kinsta, Finden Sie Antworten auf alle Ihre Fragen, Wie du mit Tailwind CSS schnell schicke Webseiten entwickeln kannst, Willst du mehr tun und dabei weniger Code schreiben? Tailwind Create Create beautiful Posts faster than ever before. In one click, transform your photos into personalized Post design ideas. Schauen wir uns das mal genauer an. 9 25 I was bad at front-end until I discovered Tailwind CSS. 73 25 Die Flotte von Tailwind Airlines umfasst aktuell fünf Boeing 737-400. Gepäckbestimmungen Tailwind Airlines. 19 It provides a ready-to-use UI, all while not compromising on enabling developers to quickly build anything imaginable. If this problem keeps happening, contact us and we'll send help! Start with a forever-free plan. Do your future self a favor and use Tailwind! Alternatively, you can make any utility important by adding a ! It reintroduces context to development, limits cognitive load with choice architecture, grants access to a token library out of the box and is incredibly easy to pickup. Because Tailwind is so low-level, it never encourages you to design the same site twice. Explore all templates →. Anschließend haben wir uns den Installationsprozess angeschaut und einige Beispiele gesehen, die uns gezeigt haben, wie wir unsere eigenen Plugins erstellen können, um die vorhandenen Funktionen zu erweitern. Headless UI supports both React and Vue 3, but is not compatible with Vue 2. hover. It allows them to build websites with a clean consistent UI out of the box. After using Tailwind for the first time, I wondered why I used anything else. Bootstrap by using its prefix feature. Tailwind lets you conditionally apply utility classes in different states using variant modifiers. It’s super simple to slowly migrate to Tailwind from e.g. Heute werde ich Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie mit Tailwind CSS beginnen, einem hochgradig anpassbaren CSS-Framework, mit dem Sie schnell Ihre eigenen Webseiten und Komponenten erstellen können. Entdecken Sie unsere Pakete oder sprich mit dem Vertrieb und finden Sie Ihr passendes Angebot. Handgepack: 8.00 kg. The perfect starting point for your next project and the ultimate resource for learning how experts build real websites with Tailwind CSS. Heute werde ich Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie mit Tailwind CSS beginnen, einem hochgradig anpassbaren CSS-Framework, mit dem Sie schnell Ihre eigenen Webseiten und Komponenten erstellen können. Its easy to use abstraction combined with excellent documentation are a game changer! 17 7 Mein letzter… 20 Antworten: aus Gegenwind wird Rückenwind - headwind turns to tailwind: Letzter Beitrag: 05 Mai 20, 13:50: Mit der zeit wurde aus Gegenwind ein leichter Rückenwind. Utilities for controlling an element's padding. Tailwind is the only way to work with CSS at scale. Turns out I learned a ton of CSS anyway just by using Tailwind. Responsive everything. Create better marketing in half the time with a tool that writes for you, designs for you, and even gives you a plan for growth. Tailwind is unapologetically modern, and takes advantage of all the latest and greatest CSS features to make the developer experience as enjoyable as possible. Freigepäck: 20 kg. Learn more about Tailwind's utility-first workflow →. Add the @tailwind directives for each of Tailwind’s layers to your main CSS file. 21 Wenn du bis zu diesem Punkt durchgehalten hast, hast du jetzt ein grundlegendes, aber solides Verständnis davon, wie Tailwind funktioniert. No credit card required. and a numeric scale (where 50 is light and 900 is dark) by default. Like many other places in Tailwind, the special DEFAULT key can be used when you want to define a value with no suffix: This will create classes like bg-tahiti, bg-tahiti-light, and bg-tahiti-dark. 45 24 64 Throw a screen size in front of literally any utility class and watch it magically apply at a specific breakpoint. Im deutschsprachigen Raum werden Basel , Berlin , Flughafen Bremen , Dresden , Flughafen Erfurt-Weimar , Düsseldorf , Köln , Leipzig , Frankfurt , Hamburg , Hannover , München , … Mit Tailwind CSS können wir das tun, indem wir ein Plugin erstellen. Im deutschsprachigen Raum werden Basel , Berlin , Flughafen Bremen , Dresden , Flughafen Erfurt-Weimar , Düsseldorf , Köln , Leipzig , Frankfurt , Hamburg , Hannover , München , … They keep improving the framework in meaningful ways on a regular basis. Add the paths to all of your template files in your tailwind.config.js file. @tailwindcss looked unpleasant at first, but now I’m hooked on it. Explore all templates →. 11 Every developer I’ve convinced to give Tailwind a try has come back and said they are never going back. Configuration files generated with Tailwind CLI include the necessary type annotation by default, but to configure TypeScript types manually, just add the type annotation above your configuration object: Make your ideas look awesome, without relying on a designer. I've never felt more confident designing and styling websites and web apps than when I've used TailwindCSS. Don’t want to be one of those websites that blinds people when they open it on their phone at 2am? With Tailwind I can offer my clients faster turnaround times on custom WordPress themes, both for initial builds and for future revisions. Now it's the only way I make websites. Control the vertical padding of an element using the py-{size} utilities. Your plan incorporates proven best practices so you can invest your limited time into the most impactful marketing. The CLI is also available as a standalone executable if you want to use it without installing Node.js. Wrestling with a bunch of complex media queries in your CSS sucks, so Tailwind lets you build responsive designs right in your HTML instead. 70 Schauen wir uns nun einige Unterschiede an: Bevor du Tailwind CSS installierst und in dein Projekt integrierst, solltest du sicherstellen, dass: So sieht unsere Projektstruktur im Moment aus: Starte als Nächstes ein Terminal für dein Projekt und führe die folgenden Befehle aus: Mit dem obigen Befehl wird das Tailwind CSS-Framework als Abhängigkeit installiert. The prefix option allows you to add a custom prefix to all of Tailwind’s generated utility classes. Have been working with CSS for over ten years and Tailwind just makes my life easier. If I had to recommend a way of getting into programming today, it would be HTML + CSS with Tailwind CSS. Dein Projekt ist fertig eingerichtet und deine Dateien sind erstellt. 30 52 Learn more about arbitrary value support in the arbitrary values documentation. Die Flotte von Tailwind Airlines umfasst aktuell fünf Boeing 737-400. < div class = " py-4 hover:py-8 " > div > For a complete list of all available state modifiers, check out the Hover, Focus, & Other States documentation. Tailwind automatically publishes your social media content for you and nurtures leads with automated email sequences. It might look wrong, but spend time with it and you’ll realize semantic CSS was a 20 year mistake. Stress about having to create and schedule all of your social & email from scratch, Spend hours struggling to find the right words & tweaking copy, Worry about whether your marketing is going to work, Settle for guessing at what’s working and what you should do next. We picked all of Tailwind’s default colors by hand, meticulously balancing them by eye and testing them in real designs to make sure we were happy with them. It helps teams of developers and designers develop a shared language and system of constraints that speeds up the entire process. Learn more about writing your own plugins in the plugin authoring guide. It’s aided me in building websites super quickly, I could never go back to boring old CSS classes! You'll fall in love with building for the web all over again. Tailwind CSS is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework that gives you all of the building blocks you need to build bespoke designs without any annoying opinionated styles you have to fight to override. 12 Im deutschsprachigen Raum werden Basel , Berlin , Flughafen Bremen , Dresden , Flughafen Erfurt-Weimar , Düsseldorf , Köln , Leipzig , Frankfurt , Hamburg , Hannover , München , … There’s one thing that sucks about @tailwindcss - once you’ve used it on a handful of projects it is a real pain in the ass to write normal CSS again. --watch ermöglicht es Tailwind, deine Datei auf Änderungen zu überwachen, um einen automatischen Bauprozess zu ermöglichen; wenn wir es weglassen, müssen wir das Skript jedes Mal ausführen, wenn wir unseren Code bauen und die gewünschte Ausgabe sehen wollen. Alternatively, you can customize just the padding scale by editing theme.padding or theme.extend.padding in your tailwind.config.js file. 16 This sunny and spacious room is for those traveling light and looking for a comfy and cosy place to lay their head for a night or two. This can be really useful when layering Tailwind on top of existing CSS where there might be naming conflicts. I came into my job wondering why the last dev would ever implement Tailwind into our projects, within days I was a Tailwind convert and use it for all of my personal projects. 10 Start with a forever-free plan.No credit card required. Einführung in Tailwind CSS: Ein Utility-First CSS Framework. If you’d like to add a brand new color to the default palette, add it in the theme.extend.colors section of your configuration file: You can also use theme.extend.colors to add additional shades to an existing color if it’s needed for your design: If you’d like to disable any of the default colors, the best approach is to override the default color palette and just include the colors you do want: Tailwind uses literal color names (like red, green, etc.) Being burned by other abandoned CSS frameworks, my biggest fear was to bet on yet another framework that may disappear. Run your Node.js, Python, Go, PHP, Ruby, Java, and Scala apps, (or almost anything else if you use your own custom Dockerfiles), in three, easy steps! Add a photo - and in a few seconds - you will have hundreds of designs to choose from. Genius. Tailwind CSS works by scanning all of your HTML files, JavaScript components, and any other templates for class names, generating the corresponding styles and then writing them to a static CSS file. To avoid this, we recommend using a tool like babel-plugin-preval to generate a static version of your configuration at build-time. Freigepäck: 20 kg. Worried about remembering all of these class names? You’ve never been more organized. Die Flotte von Tailwind Airlines umfasst aktuell fünf Boeing 737-400. Stick hover: at the beginning of the class you want to add. I feel like an idiot for not using Tailwind CSS until now. Aber du solltest Tailwind nicht benutzen, wenn du CSS nicht gelernt und geübt hast. In diesem Artikel haben wir gelernt, was Tailwind CSS ist und was es zu einem Framework macht. 11 It's rapid, efficient and an absolute joy to work with. and a numeric scale (where 50 is light and 900 is dark) by default. Free shipping on all continental US orders. We've got first-class CSS grid support, composable transforms and gradients powered by CSS variables, support for modern state selectors like :focus-visible, and tons more. For example, pt-6 would add 1.5rem of padding to the top of an element, pr-4 would add 1rem of padding to the right of an element, pb-8 would add 2rem of padding to the bottom of an element, and pl-2 would add 0.5rem of padding to the left of an element. Production-ready website templates, built the way you want them. Tailwind Airlines ist eine türkische Charterfluggesellschaft mit Sitz in Istanbul und Basis auf dem Flughafen Antalya. A personalized marketing plan for email and social media generated for you. By default, Tailwind uses a mobile-first breakpoint system, similar to what you might be used to in other frameworks like Bootstrap. Tailwind Airlines ist eine türkische Charterfluggesellschaft mit Sitz in Istanbul und Basis auf dem Flughafen Antalya. , responsive design. Bevor du Tailwind CSS verwendest, solltest du einige Voraussetzungen erfüllen, damit du die Funktionen des Frameworks ohne Schwierigkeiten nutzen kannst. So, the ability to get so much done and get so far ahead, to me, that was the best selling point. Customizing the default color palette for your project. 17 Get Started Why Tailwind? module.exports = { plugins: { tailwindcss: { config: './tailwindcss-config.js' }, }, } Alternatively, you can specify your custom configuration path using the @config directive: To get around this, you can set important to an ID selector like #app instead: This configuration will prefix all of your utilities with the given selector, effectively increasing their specificity without actually making them !important. 20 27 Sure, it works, but the clutch is slipping, the brakes barely work, and it's filled with old tires we're not even using anymore. If you’d like to apply a utility only when a specific breakpoint range is active, stack a responsive modifier like md with a max-* modifier to limit that style to a specific range: Tailwind generates a corresponding max-* modifier for each breakpoint, so out of the box the following modifiers are available: To target a single breakpoint, target the range for that breakpoint by stacking a responsive modifier like md with the max-* modifier for the next breakpoint: Read about targeting breakpoint ranges to learn more. Tailwind, and Tailwind UI mean I can now create good looking front ends quickly, which is super empowering. Dynamic breakpoints, container queries, and more, Dynamic breakpoints, multi-config, container queries, and more, 'rgb(var(--color-primary) /
)', 'rgb(var(--color-secondary) / )', 'hsl(var(--color-primary) / )', 'hsl(var(--color-secondary) / )', 'rgba(var(--color-primary), )', 'rgba(var(--color-secondary), )', /* For rgb(255 115 179 / ) */, /* For hsl(198deg 93% 60% / ) */, /* For rgba(255, 115, 179, ) */. Bei der Angabe von Spalten und Zeilen im Rastersystem gehen wir anders vor, indem wir eine Zahl übergeben, die bestimmt, wie die Elemente den verfügbaren Platz einnehmen werden: Tailwind kommt mit einer Menge vordefinierter Farben. The description options are perfect and have saved me so much time. They come with all sorts of predesigned components like buttons, cards, and alerts that might help you move quickly at first, but cause more pain than they cure when it comes time to make your site stand out with a custom design. Any missing sections will fall back to Tailwind’s default configuration. 4 It's a major time saver. I instinctively hated utility CSS, but Tailwind completely converted me. It's a game-changer for efficient teamwork. Handgepäck darf die Maße (20x40x55 cm) nicht überschreiten. Als Erstes importieren wir die Plugin-Funktion von Tailwind: Dann haben wir unsere Plugins im Plugins-Array erstellt: Möglicherweise musst du das Build-Skript nach der Erstellung deines Plugins noch einmal ausführen. It integrates well with any web dev framework because it‘s just CSS! Run the CLI tool to scan your template files for classes and build your CSS. The perfect starting point for your next project and the ultimate resource for learning how experts build real websites with Tailwind CSS. I would be so disappointed if I couldn’t use it to create my marketing! Explore all templates →. Learn more about presets in the presets documentation. I instantly fell in love with their responsive modifiers, thorough documentation, and how easy it was customizing color palettes. I wasn’t comfortable using CSS until I met Tailwind. I'm glad I live in a universe where Tailwind exists. Tailwind CSS is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework that gives you all of the building blocks you need to build bespoke designs without any annoying opinionated styles you have to fight to override. 30 If you're new to Tailwind CSS, you'll want to read the Tailwind CSS documentation as well to get the most out of Tailwind UI. We ship first-party TypeScript types for the tailwind.config.js file which give you all sorts of useful IDE support, and makes it a lot easier to make changes to your configuration without referencing the documentation quite as much. 4 Learn more about customizing the default theme in the theme customization documentation. I thought "why would I ever type a million classes that just abstract single CSS properties?" Okay, @tailwindcss just clicked for me and now I feel like a #! 74 By now, I feel like I'm twice as productive when building UIs. 15 Das bedeutet, dass du nur eine Klasse schreiben musst, die mit vordefinierten Stilen versehen ist, und diese Stile werden auf das Element angewendet. Dynamic breakpoints, container queries, and more, Dynamic breakpoints, multi-config, container queries, and more, npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./dist/output.css --watch. 68 Every utility class in Tailwind can be applied conditionally at different breakpoints, which makes it a piece of cake to build complex responsive interfaces without ever leaving your HTML. The Tailwind CSS IntelliSense extension for VS Code has you covered. 5 26 If you work at an agency and deal with hundreds of unique sites, each of them having their own custom CSS is a nightmare. 2 Their docs are my first port of call. Flüge Ferienwohnungen 8 67 Ut augue gravida cras quis ac duis pretium ullamcorper consequat. No credit card required. Learn more about configuring your content sources in the Content Configuration documentation. Production-ready website templates, built the way you want them. 62 Optional: Add the Inter font family We've used Inter font family for all of the Tailwind UI examples because it's a beautiful font for UI design and is completely open-source and free.
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