OS Injection, Lets try other payloads. Clicking into it there’s a login form. We just have to visit the ports on the target machine in order: We can use docker to list out the images installed on the target machine: The first thing I noticed was the alpine image. Great. Gobuster. Using Port knocking sequence, TCP port for Docker container was opened which was used to get a root shell on the box. We ran through the purple, the blue, and the red, And after it all, Mr. Yeti had fled. Leaderboards. I definitely learned a few things and hope you do too. port knocking, .bak files are usually backup files. Firstly, Docker is amazing, but handle it with great care. Docker is an extremely useful tool which allows us to isolate applications from each other and the host OS without having to resort to virtual machines. **********Receive Cyber Security Field Notes and Special Training Videoshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNSdU_1ehXtGclimTVckHmQ/join*******Layered Obfuscation Taxonomy | Research Paperhttps://cybersecurity.springeropen.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s42400-020-00049-3.pdfATTACK AND DEFENSE IN OBFUSCATED BINARY CODEhttps://etda.libraries.psu.edu/files/final_submissions/17513*************Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/dev.stuxnet/Twitterhttps://twitter.com/ManMotasemFacebookhttps://www.facebook.com/motasemhamdantty/LinkedIn[1]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/motasem-hamdan-7673289b/[2]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/motasem-eldad-ha-bb42481b2/Websitehttps://www.motasem-notes.netPatreonhttps://www.patreon.com/motasemhamdan?fan_landing=trueBackup channelhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF2AfcPUjr7r8cYuMvyRTTQMy Movie channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCilElKPoXEaAfMf0bgH2pzA****** Don’t overthink it, use a SQL database for your next project, GLOBAL SEARCH Functionality in Tokopedia iOS App. Starting Nmap 7.91 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2021-03-18 11:27 CET, Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.13 seconds, $ export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://, CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES, 49fe455a9681 frontend "/docker-entrypoint.…" 2 months ago Up 2 hours>80/tcp dockerescapecompose_frontend_1, 4b51f5742aad exif-api-dev "./application -Dqua…" 2 months ago Up 2 hours dockerescapecompose_api-dev-backup_1, cb83912607b9 exif-api "./application -Dqua…" 2 months ago Up 2 hours 8080/tcp dockerescapecompose_api_1, 548b701caa56 endlessh "/endlessh -v" 2 months ago Up 2 hours>2222/tcp dockerescapecompose_endlessh_1, REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE, exif-api-dev latest 4084cb55e1c7 2 months ago 214MB, exif-api latest 923c5821b907 2 months ago 163MB, frontend latest 577f9da1362e 2 months ago 138MB, endlessh latest 7bde5182dc5e 2 months ago 5.67MB, nginx latest ae2feff98a0c 3 months ago 133MB, debian 10-slim 4a9cd57610d6 3 months ago 69.2MB, registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal 8.3 7331d26c1fdf 3 months ago 103MB, alpine 3.9 78a2ce922f86 10 months ago 5.55MB. Let’s take a closer look at our root directory, as the note did say that the files were removed. It looks like the all the outgoing traffic is blocked by the firewall. 1. Nmap scan report for We can successfully list the docker images using the API. bruteforcing, Our nmap scan showed us the presence of this file with a few disallowed entries, let’s take a closer look: We already know about the api route, but what’s this exif-util thing? We also see an alpine image which can be interesting. On the homepage, we see an admin section. Medium, So, lets check those out. Let us start the enumeration with HTTP service on port 80.;git%20--git-dir%20/root/.git%20log,;git%20--git-dir%20/root/.git%20diff%20a3d30a7d0510dc6565ff9316e3fb84434916dee8. The Great Escape is the largest home leisure retailer in the Midwest offering the biggest brands at the best value - Patio Furniture, Pools, Hot Tubs, Billiards, Home Theater, Fitness and more. Seems like its blocked to us at the moment. PORT STATE SERVICE We can write a quick port knocker in Ruby: Also looking at the List of TCP and UDP port numbers we can find the Use your own web-based linux machine to access machines on TryHackMe. If you do an aggressive nmap scan on port 22, you’ll see that it marks ssh with a question mark meaning it’s not sure if it actually is ssh. Since there was rate limiting implemented, I did not bother to go down that path. /exif on the internal port 8080. Then the request has changed to GET, then i try to put http://api-dev-backup:8080/exif?url= to request. Tryhackme The Great Escape | Razor-Sec Tryhackme The Great Escape Written by Razor-Admin on 19 Feb 2021 Summary Introduction Scanning Nmap Enumeration Fuzzing SSRF Docker Access Docker Escape From Docker Introduction This is partical room from tryhackme entitled "The Great Escape" with Medium difficulty. Made with love and coffee from somewhere near Edinburgh, UK. The first hint tells us to look for a “Well known file”. Although the response is a 400, let’s try some other inputs, such as a blank url. The Great Escape Write-up Overview # Install tools used in this WU on BlackArch Linux: 1 $ sudo pacman -S gtfoblookup docker curl nmap burpsuite ssrf-sheriff ruby-httpclient Security.txt # Great! And we have a flag! Armed with this information, we know that 200 response codes are bad, but other response codes (such as a 302) maybe indicate a directory is present. 1 Total Memory: 983. But I quickly discovered /robots.txt giving some interesting paths to try: I retrieved the source code of the upload form at /exif-util.bak.txt. 2MiB Name: great-escape.thm ID: FDCS:BLAR:AJNY:PW6Y:DVAY:R5IQ:VNLF:WRQ5:FP6Y:2IB5: . SMTP stands for "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol". With git, we can check logs see the changes that were made and see if there is a flag there. We can see that the app is making a request to /api/exif and the file name of the uploaded file is also changed. At this point, I felt that there was a high chance that we have to carry out an OS Injection attack. After doing a port scan with Threader3000, it reveals 2 open ports, 22 and 80 which I’m guessing is an ssh port and a web server as they are default port for those services. From the name of this tool, I’m going to make a guess that it displays the metadata of any image we upload. Since exif tool can accept a URL as we tried earlier, we can use a default parameter, url, to send a GET request to the url we found earlier. This room was a competition with some great prizes on Tryhackme. I hope this helps you all and if it doesn’t, please leave a comment and I’ll try to help out. Naturally the first order of business is to see what’s on our machine. ssh . The next 2 steps I give might be unnecessary but I did it anyways where I added the machine IP with the docker port to tell docker to trust this instance and then restarted it. Understanding and Pentesting NFS — TryHackMe Network Services 2, Motasem Hamdan. If this is the case, we can get code execution. Trying something like admin:password calls an api which returns a 401: Unauthorized response. Anyways, the password is fluffybunnies123, -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Jan 7 22:14 /.dockerenv, $ ruby rce.rb 'cd /root; git --no-pager log --oneline', 4530ff7 Removed the flag and original dev note b/c Security, $ ruby rce.rb 'cd /root; git --no-pager log HEAD~2 -p', commit a3d30a7d0510dc6565ff9316e3fb84434916dee8. To test this theory, let’s go ahead and input an empty string: From the bottom of the error message, we see ‘curl: no URL specified! A medium level room showcasing Docker container escape. Let’s upload an image to see: The API does something, but it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to get any malicious content onto the system that way. We can see something odd here with the ssh server and the probe took quite a while longer than expected. And we have flag for root flag. This is my writeup for the “The Great Escape” CTF. I then decided to run GoBuster on the /api portion of the site, but to no avail. TryHackMe - VulnNet: Endgame. Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 28.72 seconds, AWS IAM Roles for Kubernetes Service Accounts. I have hosted files using python server from my device. I decided to breakout curl for this next part: There’s a flag hidden by root on one of the machines. I used nmap for this: From the above, it shows that the machine is open on ports 22 (ssh) and 80 (web page). The OSI Model Room at TryHackMe covers a brief introduction to the OSI network model and all seven layers of the model. Go play The Great Escape! thegreatescape, +Just knock on ports 42, 1337, 10420, 6969, and 63000 to open the docker tcp port. Now for looking the flag of web we can access frontend in the docker. As you can see, there is a user named hydra which is the same name we saw earlier who did the git commits. There was another entry in the robots.txt file that was intriguing: Could this mean that some forgotten developer backup remains on the server? > That's good, It seems like we can only upload photos files > html does not work > photo classroom, > there is a URL in there,,,;whoami,;ls%20-la%20/root,;cat%20/root/dev-note.txt,;cat%20/etc/hosts So first let's try ftp to the machine. Also if I make a SSRF to a controlled URL with ssrf-sheriff I tried knocking on the given ports manually but I probably did it wrong. Apparently leaving the flag and docker access on the server is a bad idea, or so the security guys tell me. This will let us eschew firefox in favour of curl (As the response appears to be plain text). Well this was no difficult task… The answer was: awk 'BEGIN{OFS=":"} {print $1,$4}' awk.txt "Errr… Wrong answer.", yelled . Empire & Star Killer. It consists of tons of rooms, which are virtual classrooms dedicated to particular cybersecurity topics, with different difficulties. I exited out of the container and tried to get a bash shell instead of sh shell. There wasn’t a whole lot to this site (on the face of it at least); just a homepage, a login/sign-up page. THM is far more of a hold your hand as you learn experience. thm, I got a shell for the frontend container and found the directory for nginx. I found there was a root directory which contained the final flag…, This was a very hard challenge. Another common file on servers is the robots.txt file. HINT: Silly devs leaving their backups lying around…. We can then navigate to /mnt/root to access the /root directory on the real machine. Task 2 - Understanding NFS. Let’s take a look: Interesting! You can read part one here Linux Fundamentals Part 1. These .bak files are mostly created by a program that needs to store backups. https://tryhackme.com/room/thegreatescape Steps There are obviously multiple ways to do this challenge and I would strongly recommend that you look at other published writeups to learn the different ways you can tackle this, especially the final part. Using the firefox developper tools, we can see that the request sends a json structure with username and password. At the time of first publishing the website, I was a First-year BEng Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics Edinburgh Napier University associate student, and member of ENUSEC. The goal of Privilege Escalation is to go from an account with lower/restricted permission to one with higher permissions. course Our nmap scan showed us the presence of this file with a few disallowed entries, let’s take a closer look: We already know about the api route, but what’s this exif-util thing? This machine is built to be as responsive as possible, containing all the necessary tools from Kali, but also other tools that you wouldn't find installed on Kali otherwise, including: Docker. Let’s see what’s on the machine. On the web app we can hit /.well-known/security.txt: Web flag: Hint is indicate the file name is “well known” create wordlist. The above shows that there are two text files; a flag (thank god) and a previous version of dev-note. We can see that there are three entries on robots.txt. Security by obscurity never saved anyone ;). Can you break out of the sandbox? I checked for the other protocols like file,zip,gopher, but all of them gave some sort of error. This is a writeup for the room Linux Fundamentals Part 2 on tryhackme. The Tasks. I tried to get a reverse shell but was unsuccessful. Since there is rate limiting on the webserver, instead of using the usual wordlists for bruteforcing, I manually created a small custom wordlist with the words present on the webserver. 22/tcp open ssh In this box, you will learn how to do the following: Service enumeration Brute forcing Hash cracking Linux enumeration ... Overview This is my writeup for the Cicada 3301 Vol. This may be promising, we can get an image from a url. In this video walk-through, we covered Sandbox Detection and Evasion Technique such as sleeping functions, system and network enumeration as part of TryHackMe Sandbox Evasion Challenge.. Secondly, Git is great but it can leave traces behind. Furthermore, I later found out that there was rate-limiting on the server, which returned a status code of 503 (Service Unavailable) if requests were being sent too quickly to it. VIP gives you access to everything and unlimited use of attackbox, without it you'll need to vpn access onto their network and will not have access to all the materials. Server-side request forgery (also known as SSRF) is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to induce the server-side application to make HTTP requests to an arbitrary domain of the attacker’s choosing. A Simple Web App Start off with a simple webapp. If you know the service/version, please submit the following fingerprint at https://nmap.org/cgi-bin/submit.cgi?new-service : I tried looking for various backup files for each of the pages on the site and eventually stumbled across the .bak file for exif-util: I continued to try some more combos with the urls I found earlier but I didn’t get anywhere. redditads Promoted. Now, let's SSH into the server as the user, what is contents of smtp.txt. Wreath. It is utilised to handle the sending of emails. I noticed one very interesting URI: Let’s try to access this file by visiting Just knock on port 42,1337,10420,6969,63000, the default docker port is 2375 Let’s check if it is or not, The next 2 steps I give might be unnecessary but I did it anyways where I added the machine IP with the docker port to tell docker to trust this instance and then restarted it. Let’s see if we can find any other routes into the system. image But the root on a docker container isn’t all that helpful. And we successfully executed the command. The "TryHackMe AttackBox" is considered the first choice when completing TryHackMe content. images Hello, i was subscribed in tryhackme for 3 months and in my opinion if a subscription is affordable for you I highly suggest you buy it, although most of the content in the platform is free,the subscription gives some cool things like: there are some subscription only rooms that cover super great content, the learning paths can guide you to understand some interesting subjects, deployed rooms . I struggled for a bit here before deciding to look at the provided hint: After doing some research online, I found out that this is hinting towards files located in the /.well-known/ directory. Port 8080 was found by brute forcing common ports. Download the exploit and move it into your /tmp folder. Networks. There is indeed nothing to see here, let’s move along. Search and find an exploit code for the kernel version of the target system. 2.What is the Internet? I then remembered that this section is talking about backups. We can also get it via searchploit. | GenericLines: |_ssh-hostkey: ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug) My name is Gabriel (he/him). So, I manually started going through the container. Port Knocking, I started publishing here in the format of a GitHub repo, as a means to create a journal of sorts during my college years, also trying to help fellow students by sharing all the new techniques I had been learning, or writing about stories I had discovered fascinating enough, or simply writing about topics I wanted to get further knowledge on to also practice and improve my writing skills.
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