Service members being separated with an "other than honorable" discharge must be informed in writing that they may ask the VA to review their service record to determine eligibility for veteran's benefits. Each branch has a discharge review board with authority to change, correct or modify discharges. –, Who is your The Rose bias? (‘Pops in Seoul’) Amazon Associates Disclosure. Some employers, usually law enforcement-, government- or defense-related jobs, pay close attention to your type of discharge; most others don't. English Name: Dylan – He is a huge fan of Coldplay The written notice will outline your recommended characterization of service and basis for the separation. Kpop Discographies Rose's . – All the members the are currently living together. If the penalty is a year or more like for use of drugs like felony cocaine then it’s a Dishonorable Discharge. WINNER Lee Seung Hoon has enlisted in the military on April 16, 2020. Who's The Most Handsome Male Idol Born In 1992? If you can’t maintain your profile it means a general discharge. The Rose Official Fan Color: –, The Rose Official Accounts : Instagram: @parclassic – If he could have any super power, he would like to be able to fly. (‘Pops in Seoul’) He postponed his enlistment once in January, and he can no longer push it back, so he is enlisting now.”, EXO Chen will enlist in the military on October 26, 2020. NOTE: SHINee's TaeMin entered the army as an active soldier on May 31, 2021. Neither The Military Wallet nor Three Creeks Media are associated with or endorsed by the U.S. – He wants to collect “One Piece” figures (from their Insta/Facebook Live on 21 August) Birth Name: Lee Jaehyeong (이재형) Some states have laws that prevent employers from asking about the type of military discharge an applicant received. Contributors From 2008 to 2017, service members had more than 3.6 million musculoskeletal injuries. Army Times interviewed two retiring soldiers who confirmed that they were both turned away from their local transition assistance offices Tuesday due to the outage. We EXO-Ls are quite excited for this. Save big with our most popular military and veteran discounts on travel, retail, cell phones, and more! Military Retirement Pay – What Will My Military Pension Look Like? Dishonorable Discharge -- Given as a punishment for a serious offense. – He snores every time he falls asleep. – Woosung’s role model is his dad. bad conduct discharge (issued by special court-martial or general court-martial) dishonorable discharge, and entry-level separation. The Arizona military discharge upgrade attorneys at Stone Rose Law are eager to help in upgrading your discharge - call us today for a free consultation at (480) 498-8998 or contact us online. Instead, the board can make independent recommendations to the senior commander for final approval. UNIQ Sungjoo has enlisted in the military on March 9, 2020. They are generally based on whether the persons completed their training and then fully and satisfactorily completed their term of service. The VA will review the member's service record to determine the specific cause for the discharge. The length of military service in South Korea varies based on the military branch. Dishonorable Discharge: Everything You Need to Know, Bill Would Allow Younger Military Veterans to Receive Tax Break in Virginia, GOP Revives Push to Reinstate Troops Discharged over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate, Marine Corps Will Pay Thousands of Dollars in Bonuses to Keep Recruiters from Moving, The Army's Long-Awaited New Pay and HR System Is Here, Cuts to Stateside Cost of Living Allowances Coming for Service Members as Other Pays Go Up, Biden Signs Defense Bill with Vaccine Mandate Repeal, 4.6% Military Pay Raise, COLA Reinstated for Service Members in Japan for the First Time in Months, 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Buy a Home, The 4 Worst Things You Can Do Before Getting a Mortgage to Buy a Home. Weight: 64 kg (141 lbs) and is neither good nor bad, though in many cases, service of less than 180 days may prevent some people from being classified as a veteran for state and federal military benefits. The introduced legislation will "close these glaring loopholes and bring justice to military members who were purged by Secretary Austin's egregious vaccine mandate," Bishop said in a statement. Show more Hajoon fun facts…, Jaehyeong Disability Compensation -- Only veterans with anything other than a dishonorable discharge are eligible.. Home Loan -- Only those with anything other than a dishonorable discharge are eligible. Is there a Medical Discharge? A person who receives an other-than-honorable discharge also loses the right to wear their military uniform in a parade or ceremony; they are not legally a veteran. You could have disciplinary action on your record but if you received a medal for valor on the battlefield it may still get you off with an honorable discharge. Updated: November 2, 2022. SM Entertainment confirmed SHINee Onew will be discharged from the military on July 8, 2020. If you want to be buried in a national cemetery or get memorial items, you’ll need to show the National Cemetery Association (NCA) proof of honorable active military service. Buying a Home? He will be discharged 13 days early due to the military’s Coronavirus and vacation policy. If you’re trying to have your discharge upgraded you should seek legal assistance. You can only get an honorable discharge if you fulfilled your commitment with the military honorably. Military service members who were fired for refusing to get the Covid-19 vaccine are being forced to pay back recruitment bonuses . Military officials say that, after months of warnings, they have begun disciplinary actions. Likewise, a member might not be able to reenlist or enter a different branch of the service. Blood Type: A,,,,, Your Future Depends on Your State of Mind, WWII Veteran’s Belonging To Be Displayed In A Museum, Writing Military-to-Civilian Resumes: Make Your Resume Interviewable, Work-Therapy (CWT) and Compensated Work-Therapy Transitional Residence (TR) Programs, failure to maintain military standards in weight, failure to maintain military standards in fitness, failure to maintain military standards in dress, failure to maintain military standards in appearance, you received minor disciplinary infractions. XD (‘Pops in Seoul’) In April 1971, Rose attended the Spanish Language . Rose serves as the director of logistics and engineering for the North American Aerospace Defense Command and United States . In this Article. Thank you The https:// ensures that you're connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and sent securely. As such, they may only be handed down by a court-martial. He entered the Nonsan Army Training Center in South Chungcheong province to begin his military training on April 16. On April 6, Feeldog entered the recruit training center of the 22nd Infantry Division located in Goseong of Gangwon Province. WINNER Jinwoo has enlisted in the military on April 2, 2020. – He prefers pizza over burgers. Repeated misconduct, which includes two or more minor disciplinary actions. ROSE. When you are an officer you can be dismissed from military service. – Aegyo is one of the least confident things for him and he said that he is really bad at it – When Gilgu Bonggu was promoting ‘DalAh’, they needed a guitarist for their stage performances, so they gave Jaehyeong a chance even though he was a trainee. Kpop Boy Group Profiles – His favorite Marvel character is Iron Man (Makestar The Rose’s #TheRomance) The Air Force said earlier this week that 27 airmen had been discharged for refusing the vaccine order. Basically, anything other than an honorable or general discharge puts Department of Veterans Affairs benefits at risk. – He brushes his teeth as soon as he wakes up. Myanmar opium cultivation surging under military rule, UN report shows. Twitter: @parclassic, Dojoon facts: BTOB Hyunsik and Yook Sungjae enlisted in the military on May 11, 2020 at the Nonsan Army Training Center in South Chungcheong Province. of Veterans Affairs, the Dept. As of 2021, three members of the band have enlisted in the military. I’m really fluttered when someone stares at me and gets along with me.” (Makestar The Rose’s #TheRomance) What about a medical discharge? If you have questions about Veteran programs offered through or by the Dept. This applies to all federal and many state benefits. SHINEE‘s Taemin enlisted on May 31, 2021. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. Kpop Facts So far, the Air Force has discharged nearly 40 trainees, 23 of whom were in the basic phase, while the others had gone on to technical schools, according to spokeswoman Rose Riley. A former U.S. Army soldier told Fox News that he was forced to pay back a signing bonus from when he was first recruited after being discharged for not following the military's recently-lifted COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Position: Drummer, Sub Vocalist, Rapper There are three types of punitive discharges: 1. Who is Who: Kpop Girl Groups In May 2022, Woosung announced The Rose’s new self-made label is called Windfall. Who's The Most Handsome Male Idol Born In 2002? Inability to meet weight, body composition or fitness standards. These boards of appeal also make corrections to a veteran's discharge, such as fixing dates or misspellings on the DD-214 or adding missing decorations or campaign medals to a veteran's record. Below are the list of Kpop Idols who have enlisted or had been discharged from military in 2020, 2PM Jun. The state of California provides several veteran benefits This page explains some of them. – He watches the movie ‘Sing Street’ with his members every first day of the month I was given an ELS Discharge instead of a Medical Discharge on my DD214 Form. The board has limited authority to address medical discharges or those issued by a general court-martial. Medical Benefits -- Only veterans with anything other than a dishonorable discharge are eligible for VA health care. Hey there, it’s hard to know for sure with old documents, but CO usually stands for conscientious objection on discharge paperwork. Who is Who: Kpop Boy Groups For example, VIXX’s N was discharged on August 27, 2020 instead of October 7, 2020. If you want to be buried in a national cemetery or get memorial items, you'll need to show the National Cemetery Association (NCA) proof of honorable active military service. Punitive – This form of discharge is imposed by a court-martial. PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — Brig. – Woosung walks naked around the house. The Military Wallet is a property of Three Creeks Media. 2PM's Taecyeon Discharged Back in December of 2010, JYP announced that Taecyeon was giving up his American permanent residence visa that he acquired at the age of 10 when his family immigrated to the states. The soldier was deployed to Iraq; he was involved in combat; an IED hit him. You may be able to reenlist in the same or different branch of service, or enter federal service if you received an honorable discharge. English Name: Jeff [1] Incidents such as drug use, fighting, abuse of position, disobeying an order, etc. But I also have a paper that he had an honorable discharge. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 13 investigations, no court-martials: Here's how the US Navy and Marine Corps quietly discharged white supremacists. – Dojoon lived in New Zealand for 5 years General Discharge (under honorable conditions) 2PM Wooyoung has been discharged from the military on February 25, 2020, a few days earlier than planned (February 28, 2020) as a part of the Korean military's efforts to combat COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). Show more Dojoon fun facts…, Hajoon briefly lost their TRICARE health insurance, Health benefits interrupted for 17,000+ soldiers by HR platform launch, Very few low-income troops eligible for Basic Needs Allowance so far, At last, a memorial honoring military spouses, Armed Services committee adds 11 members, quality of life panel, Why the US must protect military training lands from encroachment, New VA services and the DOD personnel chief weighs in | Defense News Weekly Full Episode 1.21.23. – His role model and favorite singer is Jason Mraz. Due to the Covid-19 situation, they "discharge" the soldiers without the need for them to come back, in order to avoid unnecessary quarantines and covid19 tests. The White House has awarded the nation's top honor for bravery to retired Army Capt. This document, the DD-214, usually lists the dates of service, any commendations or medals received, the reason for separation and the military's characterization of their service. And WINNER's MiNo Are In The Dictionary Next To The Word "Bestie", K-Pop Idols Who Have Modeled For Innisfree: Then To Now, 10 Reasons To Look Forward To K-Drama "Imitation" About Idols & Based On Webtoon. If an officer is discharged by a general court-martial, they receive a Dismissal notice which is the same as a dishonorable discharge. But there was more to the story. Ryan started The Military Wallet in 2007 after separating from active duty military service and has been writing about financial, small business, and military benefits topics since then. Entry-level Separation Housing allowances are increasing for some localities, but is it fair? Male K-Pop Idols' Wardrobe Essentials During The Fall Season. 3. – He was the last member to join The Rose BTOB Ilhoon enlisted military privately on May 28, 2020. As a service member, you might be separated based on one of three categories: If a military service member received a good or excellent rating for their service time by exceeding standards for performance and personal conduct, they can receive an honorable discharge. Veterans’ benefits are not usually available to those who receive these discharges. Related: How to Upgrade Your Military Discharge. For decades, the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps have quietly kicked out some of the . Due to legal issues surrounding equal employment opportunities and related laws, employers shouldn’t ask what type of discharge a military veteran received, unless it’s about a security clearance or the applicant’s qualification for veteran’s preference points. new search. After receiving an Honorable Discharge, you are eligible for the full range of available benefits through the VA. Benefits include disability compensation during peace and wartime. Honorable Discharge This guide explains the difference among these types of military discharge ratings. Dishonorable Discharge The Army has reprimanded 2,700 soldiers and said it will begin discharge proceedings in the new year. How can I find out an easier way, im 82 now and I feel this is something I need to get to the bottom of before im gone. Many civilians assume people “retire” from the military when they leave the service, which isn’t always the case. Since they aren't considered veterans, they aren't eligible for any veterans benefits. – Hajoon enlisted in the military on October 12, 2020. The second soldier, an officer stationed overseas, told Army Times via phone that he’s unable to formally submit his retirement request to the service’s Human Resources Command. MADTOWN And UNB Daewon has enlisted in the military on March 2, 2020. Your commander’s opinion does not assure the board’s decision. Marines must meet the recruiting requirements set by the station commander or lose the extra cash. Which Male Idol Would You Like To Go To The Beach With? – Dojoon enlisted in the military on July 6, 2020 and was discharged on January 5, 2022. Honorable Discharge. On February 28, 2020 The Rose reportedly filed a lawsuit against J&Star Company to terminate their exclusive contract, due to mismanagement. There are many types of military discharges, including an honorable military discharge, general discharge, under other than honorable conditions, bad conduct discharge, dishonorable discharge, and entry-level separation. As of 2022, Dojoon, Hajoon, and Jaehyeong have returned from their military services. General -- Issued when a person shows a pattern of minor misconduct or fails to complete the original service contract. Officers cannot receive this discharge. – Dojoon’s flower is the Red rose (=Passion and Entusiastic) – Sammy learned Spanish for 3 year in High school, but forgot everything. Oftentimes the misconduct isn't serious enough to be a criminal offense in the civilian world, but it disrupts military discipline and order. Birthday: November 3, 1994 I In listed in 1972 US Army – He likes pizza (from their Insta/Facebook Live on 21 August) Block B U-Kwon has enlisted in the military on May 18, 2020. – Woosung made his solo debut on July 25th, 2019 with his mini album ‘Wolf’. – He really likes Roy Kim. Safford and her daughter (photo provided to Alpha News) "She wasn't really hesitant. All rights reserved. An uncharacterized discharge is given to individuals who are discharged before they serve 180 days of military service, this type of discharge is neither honorable or dishonorable. You may notice that the . The group is set to reunite and release new music after the members' discharge from their service. Find out how much home you can afford today. “It’s a name to show music that coexisted with the beauty of flowers and the sharpness of thorns” – Woosung, The Rose Fandom Name: Black Rose Other Than Honorable -- Given when there is misconduct that could be considered a misdemeanor in the civilian world. Which K-Pop Male Idol Is The Cutest Fake Maknae? It was so secret that, for more than four decades, he . How to Recession-Proof Your Credit Score, 6 Strategies for Military Homebuyers in the Current Housing Market, VA Wants Vets to Use Their Benefits When Choosing a Final Resting Place, Biden Nominates Longtime VA Exec to Be Benefits Chief, US Supreme Court Rejects Veteran's Challenge to Disability Claims Filing Deadline, Woman Who Stole Dead Mom's Veterans Benefits for Nearly a Half Century Ordered to Repay, Honorable -- This is the type of discharge a person receives if they complete their contracted obligation with proper military behavior and proficient performance of duty. If an officer is convicted in a court-martial, they may be dismissed from the service, or resign for the good of the military, which is effectively the same as receiving a dishonorable discharge. He served over six years on active duty in the USAF and is a current member of the Illinois Air National Guard. PENTAGON Jinho will enlist in the military on May 11, 2020 making him the first member of PENTAGON to do military enlistment. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. is my Uncle Picture of him taken in his Miltary hat, clothes what ever … .to Place on that wall in Deltaville, Frist Baptist Church of Amburg before they changed it to Deltaville email address is ….any help or advise is greatly appreciated we still serving our country even when we die. This discharge can be imposed by a special or general court and is often enforced alongside the maximum punishment as listed by the Manual for Courts Martial. However, to be clear, you would absolutely know if you received a dishonorable discharge… it is designed to ruin your life ever after and is often accompanied by an extensive visit to a military prison. Commissioned officers cannot receive bad conduct discharges or dishonorable discharges, nor can they be reduced in rank by a court-martial. The VA will review the service record and see whether the veteran ever reenlisted. One study found that service members with obesity were 33% more likely to get this type of injury. Please be careful of COVID-19. This includes not running afoul of the. This page explains those benefits. 2PM Wooyoung has been discharged from the military on February 25, 2020, a few days earlier than planned (February 28, 2020) as a part of the Korean military’s efforts to combat COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). INFINITE Sungyeol will be officially discharged on October 27, 2020. – He watches the movie ‘Sing Street’ with his members every first day of the month There are some crimes, like desertion or spying that are permanent bars to benefits. Search for housing, education, compensation benefits, and more! For discharge upgrades, if the discharge was less than 15 years ago, the veteran should complete DD Form 293 ( and send it to their service’s DRB (the address is on the form). Weight: 65 kg (143 lbs) The latest change comes amid rapid currency fluctuations that led to the halting of the payments. Complete list of discharge documents. We are so excited for their *comeback*! It is another type of punitive discharge, meaning that it is the result of misconduct of the military member. The former soldier, speaking to Fox anonymously, said he'd gotten a $7,000 bonus from his six-year Army contract. He joined Military Times in 2020. AR 635-200 para 18-2e “The service of those separated per this chapter will be characterized as honorable, unless an uncharacterized description of service is required for Soldiers in entry-level status.”. You may also need one or more of these documents so you can get other benefits. 2022 WINNER OF WINNERS - Which Was The Couple With The Best Chemistry In 2022 Dramas? “Once it’s up and running, we will prioritize processing [discharge forms] for our transitioning Soldiers who have been impacted.”. How do I know on the DD214 that my husband was honorably discharged because of a disability? Fewer than 46% of U.S. troops are . December 6, 2020 Xiumin – EXO Discharge. Enter your information to join our mailing list. – Hajoon loves SNSD Taeyeon’s music and wants to collaborate with her. – He has a younger brother, named AJ. The Rose Hajoon will enlist in the military on October 12, 2020, Block B Park Kyung will enlist in the military on October 19, 2020. Each country's military has different types of discharge. His name was Francis Stanley Hanson s2c . – He also has a tattoo of a crown above his left elbow. If you use info from our profile, please kindly put a link to this post. This can include: Anyone who receives a court-martial conviction without punitive discharges is given this discharge characterization. Rose, now 69, served as a medic in the Military Assistance Command Studies and Observations Group, an elite division of the Special Forces. – If he could have any super power, he would like to be like Dr. Women are not required to perform military service, but they may join the military, Enlistment Age of Korean Military Service. The type of military discharge a veteran receives will be listed on their DD-214 military discharge paperwork. – Before debut, Jaehyeong had surgery because of lungs problems. You must then submit the form to the Discharge Review Board of senior officers and noncommissioned officers within 15 years of your discharge. – He wanted to be an interior designer if he wasn’t a singer. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The outage comes amid the service’s bumpy implementation of its new human resources platform, the Integrated Personnel and Pay System-Army, which began in December after more than a year of delays attributed to feared data issues. He shared a photo of his new short hairstyle and posted a handwritten letter to fans on Instagram. Two medical review boards determine medical discharges: the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) and the Medical Evaluation Board (or MEB). The band debuted under J&Star Company on August 3, 2017 with their single ' Sorry '. 20 Male K-Pop Idols Using The Dog Face Emoji, 17 Best Romance Historical K-Dramas To Have On Your Watchlist (2022 Update), Top 13 Most Funniest Male K-Pop Idols Whose Comedic Nature Are Truly A Gem, Top 23 Tallest 4th Generation K-Pop Male Idol Group Leaders (Above 176cm), Golden Child's DaeYeol And His Model-Like Features, 8 K-Pop Songs To Help You Unwind And Chill After A Long Day (Part 1). This means that you met or exceeded the conduct and performance standards of the military. when I enlisted in 1976. Dishonorable Discharge -- Given as a punishment for a serious offense. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. (‘Pops in Seoul’) By Cotton Puryear JFHQ Public Affairs. Instagram: @gud0011, Jaehyeong Facts: Some examples of actions that could lead to an other than honorable discharge include security violations, use of violence, conviction by a civilian court with a sentence including prison time or being found guilty of adultery in a divorce hearing (this list is not a definitive list; these are only examples). Safford was a healthy 27-year-old in "the best shape of her life," Dahlstrom said, when she received the vaccine. Both soldiers requested anonymity because they were concerned about potential retaliation for not being authorized to speak with the media. K-Dramas (officiallykmusic interviews) – Woosung has a brother younger by 13 years Blood Type: AB -“Cats or dogs… Hmmm I prefer cats…” (Instagram Live on 2 June) Time in a military prison usually precedes a BCD. Who Is Your Favorite Male Idol Born In August? – He is considered organized but often loses his things. The Navy laid out its new discipline procedure this week and has already fired one sailor. stationed at Schofield Hawaii. The National Archives holds Federal military service records from the Revolutionary War to 1912 in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Military service records from WWI - present are held in the National Military Personnel Records Center (NPRC), in St. Louis, Missouri. © Three Creeks Media, LLC 2023. Thanks a lot! The law that governs veterans benefits specifically says anyone with an other-than-honorable discharge or worse is not legally considered a veteran by the federal government. I need my form DD 214. Departments of Defense or Veterans Affairs. In this table you can see some of the K-Pop idols that are currently serving their mandatory military service, and their expected discharge date. Administrative - This form of discharge is given by the discharge authority, often a commanding officer of high rank. It is an officer version of a bad conduct discharge. It is a very simple all my “I” my “t” crossed they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally withholding my Disability and benefits when was cheaper to pay me whatever they owe me then to get innocent people in troubles helping them. In most cases, veterans who receive an OTH discharge cannot re-enlist in the armed forces or reserves, except under very rare circumstances. Full Name: Lee Hajoon (이하준) (‘Pops in Seoul’) – He appeared in “Hate You” MV by Ladies’ Code. Position: Main Vocalist, Keyboardist, (Acoustic) Guitarist I was railroaded out of the active duty coast guard back in 1984 i served 3.5 years of nat guard back in the 20000s with an re4 dishargeed in 2004 with an lbk code since then never heard of a code of that type any ideas. Roy agency Stone Music Entertainment stated, “Roy Kim applied for the Marine Corps in March. Most Korean men complete their military service in the early 20s. Information about your use of the site is shared with Google, who may combine it with other information you’ve provided to them or they’ve collected from your use of their services. Kpop Quizzes Bento theme by Satori. A "Bad Conduct" discharge is given to enlisted military personnel only. She was a little apprehensive … but she complied," Dahlstrom said. Normally, those who are separated within the first 180 days of service are not eligible for any veterans benefits unless they are injured as a result of their service. 2. You might receive this discharge if you were discharged on the basis of: 3. He is deceased and I wanted to get his discharge information and his dd214. That’s why he started doing music. It’s the birthday of his mom in roman numerals. With so many platforms online, how will tomorrow’s Army share data? 10 Male K-Pop Idols With A Deep Speaking Voice That Is So Attractive (Part 1). For discharges over 15 years ago, the veteran should complete the DD Form 149 ( and send it to their service’s BCM/NR (the address is on the form). – He is a big fan of marvel movies. If an officer is discharged by a general court-martial, they receive a dismissal notice, which is the same as a dishonorable discharge. – Dojoon is not skilled when it comes to speaking in standard Korean, but is fluent in English. – Dojoon is a former DSP Media trainee If you have questions of a specific nature consider consulting a financial professional, accountant or attorney to discuss. Davis studied history at Vanderbilt University and UNC-Chapel Hill, writing a master's thesis about how the Cold War-era Defense Department influenced Hollywood's WWII movies. Privacy Policy How does the Administrative Separation Process Work? – Hajoon likes to tell bad jokes. Zodiac Sign: Taurus The content on The Military Wallet is produced by Three Creeks Media, its partners, affiliates and contractors, any opinions or statements on The Military Wallet should not be attributed to the Dept. Because of the COVID-19 issue, I regret that I am not able to bid you farewell from a closer distance. 21 Male K-Pop Idols Who Are Gorgeous With Long Hair Right Now - July 2021 Edition, ONEWE KangHyun's Book Club: Fantasy, Mystery & Literary Reading For The Soul, 16 Male K-Pop Idols Who Took Us On Spring Dates Under The Cherry Blossoms, Top 15 Instagram Updates By K-Pop Idols (4th Week Of August 2022), 7 Male K-Pop Idols We Would Love To See Star In A Musical, Performances That Shows ONEWE's YongHoon Is An Exceptional Vocalist.
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