I would say nearly 6 Months (playing 2-3 times a week) at top performances, after that the topsheet degrades a little but really not much! He usually plays and prefers slow and dead setups. The fastest version of the EVOLUTION series. First of all, all DHS “national” rubbers in the market ain’t the real thing, they are just copies or imitations of the nationals pros use, because, nationals are exclusive for CHN national players ONLY. Good – spin, speed, control, arc, feel, quality, price… it just ticks every box and that’s very rare, its such a good all-rounder it really is. TG3 Neo is good for the mid-distance looping attack playstyle. It was better when it was on old Butterfly Timo Ball all+ blade. They mention about 'easier' access to speed, easier 'gripping' and hitting out in front. In the grand scheme of things though, its still a grippy rubber, you can still load it up at extreme angles, but you can have slippages occasionally. Its weight and feel is very similar. Just recently, in February 2021, the Nittaku Factive could also reach the fourth place in the sales ranking. I'm not the OP, but I am curious what your reasoning is... Vega Pro has 47.5 degree sponge and it's topsheet is relatively firm..so it will feel harder than some other 47.5 sponges. I have explained in a previous post, how to choose a forehand rubber. I loop arms wide open too and also i’m asian. The best way to describe this rubber is a much more controlled version of Tenergy 05 – Baby Tenergy if you will. Here is my recommended list of Top 10 Forehand Rubbers – Fast, Spin, and Powerful. Read more about him. (but someone who is fluent in japanese might can help). A power topsheet with a built-in tension power sponge produces the ideal combination of ball speed and ball arc -- an outstanding powerful spin ball. I don’t know what forehand rubber should I buy to develop the “Chinese” Style of looping machine. I'd much rather have it than tenergy. Stiga Mantra H is one of the best backhand rubber. On my mj szlc, G-1 2.0 on both sides means 190gr balanced and controlled. the topsheet hardness is about medium- medium/hard and it matches well with the sponge to give a good balance. Vega Pro was among the first tensor rubbers that was truly able to compete with the best. Maße von beiden ca. -G-1 has significantly lower arc than Rakza Chinese rubbers in general and DHS rubbers are highly recommended as the perfect rubbers for the forehand. The topsheet is more elastic making it more suitable for flicks. It’s the low throw, and long trajectory rubber “Calibra LT+” (check price/ read review). You should choose. But I see why someone might prefer Vega Pro. I’ve explained it in this article “the truth about the Chinese rubber“. In the same way, the Nittaku Fastarc C-1 appears within the rankings as a softer version for spin play. For example, H3BS is lower throw than T05 or Baracuda but a higher spin rubber than both. There're Multiple entries for Rakza 7, with uncut weight ranging from 63gms to 70gms .. Xiom Asia (from V to VII) (check price/ read review) has a very hard sponge, combined with a very elastic rubber and very adherent. Is the ITTF World Table Tennis Ranking Accurate? S-1 will be easier to control and at lower speeds would be easier to get more spin than VegaPro. Haifu Shark 3 (check price) is a factory pre-tuned rubber. You are using an out of date browser. Need to use a booster for the best performance. Prefer a lower throw angle for your forehand rubber. Here is the list of best forehand rubbers of all times: 01. Every shots are easy. I went to him and ask to have a hit on his raket. Due to the tackiness of the topsheet, the rubber can spin easily, but the speed is really lacking. It could be that you might prefer S-1 on both FH and BH. Kayu Tcore F720 dari Korea yang merupakan kloning dari Bty ZJK ZLC dan Viscaria, dipadukan Karet FH Nittaku Fastarc G1 dan BH Xiom Vega Euro. I use T05 and G1 on my BH. Nittaku Fastarc G-1 und Xiom Vega Pro Biete folgende Beläge zum Verkaufe: XIOM VEGA Pro, rot, max. Great for offensive play. Because the rubber corrected me. Idk which one I should play with my BH and which one I should play with my FH. The normal MX-P version is one of the best rubber for the backhand side. Vega pro more linear rubber. The topsheet is rather tacky which helps to topspin the ball easily. The hard sponge creates a classic feel (linear feel for the forehand) with extreme attacking possibilities. It’s the secret that top Chinese players rarely make the unforced error on your forehand side. Both are excellent Chinese rubbers available for under $25usd. In terms of catapult its got very little, its a very linear rubber especially in the low gears, very good touch but it can get a bit jumpy in the high gears. G1, in the other hand, has less catapult, is more spinny and more controllable. Xiom release a new rubber under €40 which they claim to be a top line rubber... we find out if this rubber matches the claim. Vega pro more linear rubber. Also more linear, I used it in FH and had no problems looping, fast or slowly. Even from Nittaku's own website (in japanese which i can only use translate) they hint at the fact that is a BH rubber. XIOM OMEGA ASIA06. Thanks, sounds like you have to be a certain level to really benefit from G1 whereas VP is better for average club players. Go with Vega pro if you are still perfecting your technique, pretty darn easy to use bh rubber. Yes, and I'm looking for a new sheet of Rozena at 1.9. A power topsheet with a built-in tension power sponge produces the ideal combination of ball speed and ball arc -- an outstanding powerful spin ball. And you can feel and see the pimps on it when you touch, i think its 38deg (due to the booster). But there is such a range of hardness levels. It sounds like because G1 lacks catapult it's somewhat forgiving and suitable for intermediate players still developing their technique versus Vega Pro. After hitting the first couple of FH drives, it was pretty evident that the G-1 feels significantly firmer in game play than the P-1. For a long time Xiom Vega Pro could have been considered the best alternative to Butterfly Tenergy 05. I would recommend this rubber for those who play with Hurricane-like rubbers on their forehand. Used by all of the top Chinese players, both Senior and Junior players. It provides a linear feeling, with a low to medium throw angle. Choose Fastarc G-1 for more spin with great power, and choose Fastarc S-1 for more speed with great spin. Fastarc G1 is amazing, it goes through the gears in a very linear way. VP is more bouncy with good spin, G1 has more gears, not so bouncy and also has very good spin. I personally really like it for my backhand, I really benefit from the safety and control of the rubber whilst ripping spinny arcing dangerous shots. Xiom Vega Pro is generally the same as all the newest and relevant ESN rubbers right. Definitely a long trajectory, as advertised, so great from mid and long distance from the table, but not bad from close to table. Spin is really good, speed is good too when you use your arm, however, playing far from the table is more difficult than Vega. Xiom release a new rubber und. This forehand style can be also called “European forehand style” (in the eye of a western coach). It comes from the same era of rubbers as Tibhar Genius, Andro Hexer and the Butterfly Tenergies. Conclusion! Wang Hao is using the TG Skyline 3 on his forehand side. spin is practically identical to hurricane except on serves bc of the lack of tackiness. Many pro players (non-Chinese) use Tenergy 05 Hard rubber on their forehand side. Probably not, the rubber world has moved on and you can get more performance from other rubbers (Tenergies, Evolutions, Rasanters etc) – if you have the skill but for intermediates or someone just looking for a controlled looping rubber this is a brilliant option. People say it’s harder and faster than h3 national blue sponge, i’d love to hear your thoughts on it if you have tried it. I’ve been using a premade racket before, but now I was thinking of building my Stiga Clipper CR WRB blade with Tenergy 05 for my backhand. Incredible performance for a great great price. Tibhar Evolution MX-P Some of these rubbers have been around for almost 10 years (e.g. See users' ratings and reviews of the Nittaku Fastarc G-1 and other equipment. Select color/thickness: I wonder - Whats more probable : Manufacturing inconsistencies or the figures being reported incorrectly. Although T05 is better, but it's pricey and loses its life pretty soon. Nittaku Fastarc G1 1.8 Nov 2011 128 45 242 Read 5 reviews. How times have changed. The rubber is practically a good attacking rubber for your forehand side. Much harder to bh loop backspin with g1. Nice catapult, balls sink into the rubber giving very nice control. They are all good ESN forehand rubber, which is fast, spinny, and rather powerful. The weird thing is when your playing it doesnt feel this way, its got this superb smooth grabby feeling which I can only say resembles the Tenergy feeling, it really is a joy to play with. Which is the best forehand rubbers in table tennis? And I used Tenergy both sides for 5+ years. I find many of the ratings here to be exaggerated but not for this one. Even from Nittaku's own website (in japanese which i can only use translate) they hint at the fact that is a BH rubber. Also if anyone could give a direct comparison between the Xiom Vega Pro/Europe/df vs Stiga Mantra M/S (I would imagine very similar though) Vega pro for me much better, high throw compared to medium low of g1, with g1 you have to compress sponge to make ball not jump high during block, with vega pro not. Thanks in advance! G1 has a little less catapult / speed / is more linear, that's about it, they are very very similar rubbers. G1 requires more body effort and with VP, I often could not feel the ball quite good. Serve – 8.5/10: Placement is very good, you can be very precise and accurate and the Pro certainly grabs the ball well but it terms of spin generation it was ok but there are many other rubbers that can produce a lot more on serves. Not only the strength of spin but also the stability and secure feel have been desired by many players. -Rakza grabs the ball better Smashes – 7.0/10: Probably the weakest part of the Vega Pros game. Both similar high throw? They are VERY LIMITED. The throw angle on loops is medium high to high, providing plenty of clearance over the net. Latihan di PTM Pantisoeka (Colomadu, Karanganyar) tanggal 29 September 2020Set up :Zumar :Victas Koki NiwaBlack: Nittaku Fastarc G1Red: Nittaku Fastarc C1Bim. Cut to a standard sized blade, what is the approximate weight of Rakza 7 & G1 ? Have Your Say on Xiom Vega Pro And Leave Your Review Below! In my view the R7 gives the sensation (ie. In reality, if the wrist is used correctly, then the rotation can be rather powerful. Hopefully Funk Fu Master's evaluation is accurate. You have convinced me to give it a try. Amazing rubber, its a completely different rubber.->Commercial version is as dead as hell->Provincial version is where it actually starts playing as it says on the package.->National is where it is perfection, it plays like a beast, u can rip out topspin that is just beautiful. Seems like the S-1 is a bit softer so maybe start with that on backhand. http://mytabletennis.net/forum/review-xiom-vega-pro_topic31552.html. Tenergy 05 is more powerful and spinnier than the normal version. Really enjoy it. Baby Tenergy 05 for half the price. Great review. That being said, I bought this rubber for fun to see if it is actually better than the other hurricane 3’s. Dibantu oleh Coach Yudi dalam latihan persiapan Pra PON tenis meja 2019 di Kalimantan Timur.#tcoref720#nittakufastarcg1#xiomvegaeuro#tabletennis#tenismeja#pingpong#gorsemenpadang#prapon2019#kalimantantimur#atlitsumbarSekian video review bagi yang belum tau Kayu Tcore F720 dari Korea. All prices are in USD. Firstly, you should know which is your forehand style? 5. blocking is also good like xiom rubbers .. no issue in this aspect DHS National 3 rubber is no doubt one of the best forehand rubber. or the newer ones the Omega 4 or something. Bluefire M1 was the same thing, too fast and hard to control. All offensive strokes from fast drives at the table to long-distance counter looping are executed with high precision. You need to “break-in” the Hurricane 2 rubber by using the booster. I use this blade with a Xiom Omega Pro V 2.0mm on the forehand and a Xiom Vega Pro 1,8mm on the backhand. The best forehand rubber I have tried out of the following : rasant powergrip , rasant, tibhar aurus, yasaka rising dragon, xiom omega 4 pro, xiom omega 5 tour, tibhar 1qxd, h3neo, skyline tg2 neo premade racket is very bad. With the new poly ball, players need a harder and harder sponge. I dont have the exact number in weight though. VP simply requires you to put more into the shot, and that isn't what most non-pros want on the bh. You can also cross-check the serial number on the DHS website. The topsheet isn’t as sticky as a DHS Hurricane 3 40°, but it’s a lot easier to use after a few boost layers, and it’s not as physically demanding as other Chinese sticky rubbers. Thanks to the highly elastic rubber, the spin is excellent. 20,629 views Feb 5, 2021 Der Fastarc G-1 von Nittaku ist vor allem in Japan und Asien ein echter Bestseller - für uns natürlich Grund genug, das Ding einem GeblockTT-Test zu unterziehen. Address: Rue Jussieu, 75005, Paris, Ile de France. So Vega Pro slightly faster, G1 slightly spinnier would you say? It's sad, but this thread is filled with misinformation. In my above post about which rubber is more appropriate for a basement player I simply wrote my experience I had with one of my opponents. Source: My club has it's own shop (housing one of germany's biggest brands), whose owners I talk to, several 2300+ level players which I talk to and the over 3 dozen ESN rubbers I have tested over the years. Which make this indeed still a great rubber. Xiom Vega pro is a spin orientated rubber designed for looping, it is very good at grabbing the ball and it is excellent at playing slow brushy loop shots. There is a general consensus in the table tennis community that national team rubbers are not commercially available and are basically unicorns. It’s very consistent and linear. In powerplay, G1 doesn't have that extra catapult whereas VP does have it a bit more and with G1 sometimes ball drifts too long. Love this rubber. Massive spin, especially on hard topspin drives and loops, and very quick. The arc is pretty high, not Tenergy 05 high but its certaily very close, its one of the highest arcing rubbers ESN have ever produced and it really helps with the safety of shots, very Tenergy like. FastArc G-1 - he tested the rubbers on a few different blades and each time asked me how can I play with hard and uncontrollable rubbers. Compared with ESN, Victas, or Butterfly hybrid rubbers, as well as a variety of Hurricane 3, the Battle II blue sponge 40° is by far the most lively rubber when properly boosted. Can anyone compare these two rubbers? S-1 will be significantly softer to the touch vs VP. it's not ESN, but it's at least 8 years old, so probably same gen as rakza. XIOM Vega Pro is a great offensive rubber and has always been regarded as the best alternative to tenergy 05. Very good for block over the table and loop attack at a middle distance like penholder players. I think the topsheet is a big part of this, the Vega Pro Topsheet feels much higher quality, its a lot smoother and a more natural feel to it. Fastarc G110. This is supposed to be a Tenergy 25 clone from Sanwei. It plays as well as a 2.0 but definitely lighter. big dipper? After all, they are ESN rubbers from the same generation, have the exact same sponge hardness (47,5) and are tenergy clones (small dense pip structure topsheet with cake sponge). It does’nt tollerate me (bad moves aint work). Sanwei Target National09. There are many super high level players club that play even softer 42 degree sponges on both sides. For most Chinese rubbers, the black one is the tackier one and the red is the harder one. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Also my favorite rubber. Given that, my overall impression is Stiga Mantra H (check price/ read review) is an upgraded version of the Stiga Calibra LT+. The feeling on FH drives is very crisp and direct and there even is a hint of a clicking sound. It is bouncy when you play the ball on the raket, its not tacky at all maybe little i think. Sale on XIOM Vega Pro: $36.95. But g1 is quite good. The Fastarc G-1 has the most power of the series. JavaScript is disabled. I used both in my FH. In the US you can pick it up for as little as $32.60!!! Excellent for hitting, loop kill, who has powerful forehand attack. TG Skyline 308. However, I cant say it can compete with any modern rubbers in terms of pure spin generation. Hi there coach, reading about your articles makes me want to play table tennis again! Excellent rubber. I've been using RX on my Jpen for quite a while and have been thinking about trying G-1. So you need to “break-in” the sponge. Is Vega Pro higher throw or more linear? My recent blade (Pen-hold) is Butterfly Cypress Max (Hinoki, 10.0 mm thickness) and Custom made Butterfly (Pen-hold, highest grade of Hinoki (Cork S grade), 10.5 mm). The Nittaku Fastarc G-1 rubber is “Fast” with an “Arc”! I would expect that the Vega pro would go on your forehand and the s-1 on your backhand. G-1 means “Grip First”. Provincial rubber Battle 2 with a blue sponge is made of a hard Chinese sponge and a sticky top-sheet that has been specially treated. But his forehand is tottaly chinese looper and nothing at all european stlye and it’s quite sure he trained in china. Read the full review here: http://blog.tabletennis11.com/nittaku-fastarc-p1-g1-c1-s1-table-tennis-rubbers-reviews, just one word to describe this rubber "PERFECT" for all aspect , one of the "must try rubber" , i used on FH , spin & control are insane. So impressed. You will get the real feeling of your forehand. If you win the game more with the speed and counter (Japanese trending style). Also, if anyone happen to have tried both G1 and V15 extra and/or MXP ... G1 is slower than T05, T05H and MX-P. Never tried V15. Its honestly the closest rubber to play like Tenergy 05 that I have tried but for half the price! I m using it as FH on DHS long 5 blade, with tibhar 5Q+(power update) on BH. Rubbers today are getting faster and faster and this is a happy medium, its still pretty quick when you go for it but it cant compete with the big boys in speed. The energy is conserved 100% (no energy lost), but you can’t impact enough force and convert it into speed. We all want high-speed and spinny forehand rubber. Thanks to rocketman222 for steering me towards both the blade and the rubber, I knew he was onto something!!! 155 x 149 mm. Because the sponge is too dense, too hard. I would class Vega Pro as more of a medium speed rubber, in the ALL+/OFF- category. I've played with VP long time ago, but IIRC it's softer and more forgiving than G1. The topsheet of the Mantra H is the advanced version of the Calibra LT+ (fast, low throw, long trajectory but less consistent due to less spin). This is a good Chinese forehand rubber. It's more powerful than my old mj with blitz x2 which was one of the best combos I ever played but in the short game it's more controllable while offering more penetration power on harder shots, more spin for the same input, it's just better. When serving with Battle 2, it is simple to achieve a high ball spin. Many top European players use Stiga rubbers due to their speed, and the grippy topsheet. The Fastarc G1 topsheet felt very plasticy and stiff to me and it resulted in this complete different feeling in low power shots and high power shots, it reacted too differently to different shots and was hard to gauge. I know. It’s like playing with tenergy 05 but much much better than that. And most of these rubbers are imported to dealers/online shops around the world. Now with Stiga Clipper, it has less control compared to Fastarc G1. If you love the feeling of the catapult effect on your forehand side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEKHWGFrAjg, Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: CALIBRA – Choose your trajectory with J-M Saive (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEKHWGFrAjg). You can buy a pack of DHS rubbers, even fake Tenergy rubbers, or Tenergy blades on Taobao. The list does no cover Butterfly because TT11 does not sell their rubbers to most countries. It’s due to the effect of the booster, the real Chinese rubber is not hard dead. The topsheet is not tacky as Chinese rubber, hence it’s difficult to make a spin at the soft stroke. Overall this is a favorite rubber for the powerful forehand attack player. I´ve already tried both. Sanwei Target National (check price/ read review) is a very good forehand rubber. Vega Pro was introduced at the end of 2009). It can last as long as Tenergy rubbers and for the price its just excellent. You can “break-in” using a physical break, and a chemical break. The topsheet is very tacky. Spin: 96. This is where Xiom Vega Pro makes a lot more sense compared to something like Tenergy 05. Speed: 95. Using this rubber on my FH now. As the upgraded version of model Target, the Target National is a better choice for 40+ new plastic balls. The feeling on FH drives is very crisp and direct and there even is a hint of a clicking sound. So I recommend you choose Tenergy 05 Hard on the forehand side for this style. For someone who cant quite handle Tenergy or an intermediate player thats wants to try something like Tenergy this is a fantastic option. I recommend you choose the Butterfly Tenergy 05 Hard, or the Tenergy 25. A power topsheet with a built-in tension power sponge produces the ideal combination of ball speed and ball arc -- an outstanding powerful spin ball. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Even I have this junk h3 selling in all market I will never let go. I just ordered it from megaspin with Vega Europe to pair on the backhand. or Japanese (Butterfly Tenergy rubber). However, when you attack near the table, Victas Extra is very stable. Red 2.0 Also, I'm assuming it is a esn rubber, or am i wrong? I've got these two rubbers for my blade as gifts, since my old rubbers have worn out. Also, I've played with T80 and Baracuda on my main blade for the last 6 months. all went up, and I would find it hard to recommend a more expensive rubber to someone who doesn't have an advanced loop and . Many ESN and the next generation of ESN fit very well this style.I recommend you choose Stiga Calibra LT+ for speed, and Stiga Mantra H 2.1mm (for higher spin). To win the ball, the player attack first with speed and deep placement, and the next ball is mixed with speed and spin. "Most people" use a harder sponge on FH and softer sponge on BH. 1. tackiness like 1qxd (this helps a lot over the table short game, server receives, pushes, lifting underspin balls in a controlled manner without overshooting edge of table, sidespin-hook topspins) Xiom Vega Pro was released back in 2009 and it gained quickly worldwide popularity of a good performance rubber for a very good price. DHS Hurricane 3 National (blue sponge), 3- Deep topspin (speed first, and spin after), Backhand flick technique in table tennis with Chinese coach, How to increase the power of your forehand topspin, Chinese tacky rubber if you have a full and powerful, 【ターゲットブルー Sanwei】粘着で最速!究極の粘着ラバーがついに・・・【卓球知恵袋】 (https://youtu.be/MPnSYxWk2Rg), CALIBRA – Choose your trajectory with J-M Saive (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEKHWGFrAjg), Top 16 Table Tennis Brands [Official Website], Top 6 Best Table Tennis Handles [Advantage Comparison], Top 5 Best Table tennis Grips [Pros and Cons], Top 10 best Butterfly table tennis rubbers, Chinese rubbers have a lower throw than the Japanese and ESN rubbers. It feels dull, not clicky and not responsive in comparison. They mention about 'easier' access to speed, easier 'gripping' and hitting out in front. They’re pretty similar rubbers being that both are tensor rubbers. But maybe due to my bad technique. Xiom Vega Pro was introduced at the end of 2009, breaking into the new decade and setting a precedence of Xiom’s ability to produce quality rubber. It’s so smoothhhh. I honestly cant think of another European/Japanese rubber thats better value for money that Vega Pro its just cheap! Nittaku Fastarc G-1 has more direct feel when hitting the ball hard. A Tenergy 05 thats slower, less spin, more linear, much more controlled but still plays like Tenergy 05. I try to brush very slowly then the ball has a lot spin. Other good DHS Chinese rubbers are TG Skyline 3 or Hurricane 2 rubbers. It will be personal preference. During around 1-2 months, the Calibra LT+ topsheet lost the grippy. Currently, on the market, you can buy the National Hurricane 3 orange sponge (39 Degrees). Skyline TG (Technology Generation) 3 continual and dense attack. I am currently playing with Fastarc G-1 while it's been a few years since I've played with Rakza. Stiga Mantra H has a hard sponge – 50 degrees ESN hardness, which is equivalent to 38 degrees Chinese hardness. Also, sometimes, when one loops upwards, not all of the high arc is due to spin. Players who value control and precision looping to vary spin and placement with a medium speed level. Didn't think there'd such a big variance in rubber weight .. Counters – 8.0/10: Very good at absorbing pace and redirecting, the added level of control with this rubber really helps you keep the ball on the table whilst being attacked. I would ask which rubbers should I use to serve? Yes. But it’s very fast and direct (the main characteristic of a good forehand rubber). However, I’m at an impasse. Try to out for yourself. Choose Fastarc G-1 for more spin with great power, and choose Fastarc S-1 for more speed with great spin. The feeling of Xiom Vega Pro is just superb, I really like it, when you play attacking shots you can really feel the rubber bite the ball and the sponge is great too, not too dead but not too lively, not too hard but not too soft, a perfect middle ground. S1 is ok . To try and simplify it I would say that on full (correct) strokes Vega Pro will have more spin and more speed. Edit: I use pendulum serve. It’s not an easy question! The Nittaku Fastarc G-1 is very unreactive to incoming spin making it great to return the slow spinny loops with flat blocking i.e. how much does booster increase sponge thickness? Black Max, The Nittaku Fastarc G-1 rubber is "Fast" with an "Arc"! S1 is very light weighted and suits RPB BH. I had more confidence in the consistency of the shots I hit with Vega over fastarc. A lot of this comes down to personal preference but I prefer G1 and would recommend I more highly. They are all fake. Drive: – 8.5/10: it feels pretty nice but it does lack some penetration when trying to kill off points. Very tacky topsheet which is similar to both Hurricane 3 and Haifu Whale 2 rubbers. I really like the S-1 on my FH, the soft rubber helps me be more confident in my loops but VP feels kinda weird with my BH. Please add a blade and 2 rubber sheets to the shopping cart to activate the racket assembly option on your cart. There are mainly 4 forehand styles: If you have solid technique, good footwork, good physical strength, and you love playing Chinese rubbers, I will recommend you choose the DHS rubbers. The Nittaku Fastarc G-1 rubber is "Fast" with an "Arc"! Nittaku has introduced the Fastarc series which includes a variety to choose from. God it’s amazing it’s fast, spiny and sooooooooo easy to lift the ball. A power topsheet with a built-in tension power sponge produces the ideal combination of ball speed and ball arc - an outstanding powerful spin ball. For most of the players, Tenergy 05 Hard fit very well on the forehand side. MX-P50 (check price) is the new version of Evolution MX-P for the Plastic ball. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Haifu Shark is quite similar to Yinhe/Galaxy Moon Speed but it has more power, speed, spin and requires more perfect technique. Vega pro is a Medium/Hard rubber with a 47.5deg sponge with small pores and a low level of tuning (thumbs up from me). You need to be aggressive in every shot, hit, counter hit on the bounce close to mid-distance. But you can also see it is less potent when playing big shots there just isnt the same spin generation. I’m sure gurus would say that it’s still too fast for my level but it’s not that overly so, thanks to the (I suppose) longer compression time of G-1, keeping the ball a bit longer but releasing it with more oomph. Don’t use it with stiff blades. Would top top players use this? Even, many players emphasize using the national version. The control is nice, and the throw angle is medium high (higher than MXP). On personal note, the heaviest set-up I have played with weighs 220g which is totally unplayable in match, but I still retain it for multi-ball to get me some Popeyes forearm. Would you recommend this combo for someone who has some experience playing, but not an advanced player: Blade: Tibhar Stratus Power Wood FH: Rakza 9 (2mm) BH: Rakza Z (2mm). Like Koki Niwa forehand counter and block, or Tomokazu quick counter close to the table on both backhand side, and forehand side.
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